Any Vanilla players from Ateam around for classic?

Hey guys. It’s the old Mexican mofo Zoros! I was thinking of jumping back in for classic and wanted to see if there are any old schoolers from A Team still around?

Trying to remember everybody…

To many to remember. Anyway I coughs… lost my main account after BC came out. So this is my new account. Hit me up if you need somebody to fckemup come launch!

PS not sorry for all the ganks. KEK!!!


Hey, Zoros. How have you been? This is Crista/Trimas from the old days. I am planning on giving classic a try.

i remember you. i was… niia, the warlock. forum troll extreme.

I’m coming back for classic… anything is better than BFA.

Monsterkill is still around, hes on my friends list. Most of those names i havent seen in a LONGGG time. i think monsterkill said atalanta is still around on occasion. i havent seen any sign of manniefresh since wrath ended.

I’ll be there, but I was a later recruit – and had little to no impact

Edit: This is Alert/Beyeoh/Gryn

“That is a name I haven’t heard in a long time…”

Glad to see you’re still around and haunting your old forum. :slight_smile:

Also, I remember you Zoros!
I haven’t talked with them in a while, but I think I have Coril and Mannie on Steam. Monsterkill still plays, as does Pdog. Forix I’m still pals with on Facebook, but also haven’t talked in ages. Donny/Atalanta was around for Legion, but haven’t heard/seen him in a while.

There was talk of some old school players from Road Kill/A team/elsewhere on Stonemaul potentially getting together to raid again for Classic. I haven’t decided if I’m re-subbing again or not, but that could be a lot of fun.

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im so addicted im playing on a private server in anticipation for classic’s release (…wtb beta invite. stress tests just arent enough.)

its every bit as good as i remembered.

<- whillwin/z/wheyyaat, we’ve got quite a few people who are gonna play.

Hey Zoros and others I remember Monsterkill and I actually still talk to Couture pretty often. I have already rolled a rogue on Whitemane let me know what you decide to do my battle net id is Kingwzrd#1797 add me @Brucezilla