Just curious if there’s any others out there. Being the last week of SL, having what I want, and no vault on Tuesday (insert Vernon Dursley here); I decided to pick up Stellaris again and see what I can do before DF drops. Picked up a mod to allow Vassals to retain their bonuses, and going to go for a full border gore run. Break up everyone bit by bit establishing a hegemony, vassalizing the rabble to bring them closer to the fold, and just in general making the galaxy look like a political map of the Holy Roman Empire. No peace, not even at the beginning. Amenities? Nah. Foundries.
Anyone else playing? If so, what kind of empire, and how is the run going so far?
The best Stellaris experience I had was with the New Horizons total conversion. The devs who work on it are doing it out of love and fun.
The Klingons will actually get antsy if you’re not at war. Too much peace might result in unrest.
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Come all you young spacefarers, listen to me
I’ll sing you a song of our fish from the sea
And it’s windy weather, boys; stormy weather
When the wind blows and we’re all together
Boys blow ye winds fringeward, blow ye winds blow
Out to the galaxy, steady she goes.
Up comes the great dragon, in search of our home
Through space to a place that’s beneath waves and foam
And it’s windy weather, boys, stormy weather
When the wind blows then we’re all together
Boys blow ye winds fringeward, blow ye winds blow
Out to the galaxy, steady she goes!
Come the solar winds, taking us far
Out through the space lanes and out to the stars
And it’s windy weather, boys; stormy weather
When the wind blows then we’re all together
Boys blow ye winds fringeward, blow ye winds blow
Out to the galaxy, steady she goes!