Put WoW down a month or so into BfA. I’ve recently come back and was wondering what guilds are still out there?
The Ashen Vale is a great Nelf guild that does RP/PvP if you’re planning on going alliance. Dawn of Azeroth has a lot of Belfs in it, but I’m not sure if they’re specifically a blood elf guild, if you’re looking for horde.
Thank you. Yes, looking for Horde. Although I was looking more race based, it doesn’t have to strictly be Blood Elf. Just didn’t see my Blood Elves fitting into Orc/Tauren/Goblin guilds from an RP perspective. Also definitely agree about Ashen Vale. I’ll probably hit them up whenever I do jump back on my Ally toons.
The Desolate Conclave is a forsaken led guild and we do have a spooky theme, but we have different branches, it allows for all kinds of RP!
Thelesia (A Shal’dorei) is part of The Bureau of Diplomacy & Statecraft, she makes sure The Desolate Conclave has a good image amongst all the other guilds and organizations, even Alliance ones!
Actually, yes. My guild.
I just opened the guild up not too long ago. It’s going to be strictly blood elven.