Any /roll script for loot?

Does anyone happen to have a script to roll either need or greed for Classic?

Bump not sure exactly what you are looking for but found the following. If nothing else, you can set each to a keybind. Not at home right now, can’t test.

/click GroupLootFrame1GreedButton

/click GroupLootFrame1RollButton

/click GroupLootFrame1PassButton

Is there a macro that will let me cast a spell but if the target is not buffed or dotted up or resisted spell can it still cast that spell again? Something like this /script if not buffed(“Corruption”, ‘target’) then cast(“Corruption”) else if not buffed(“Curse of Agony”, ‘target’) then cast(“Curse of Agony”) else if not buffed(“Immolate”,‘target’) then cast(“Immolate”) end end end /cast shoot Plz reply

No. Macro can’t do this. Best you can hope for is addon that gives you warning that spell was resisted.

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Yes a macro can do this it worked just fine In vanilla but classic has newAPI so if someone could rewrite this it will work the macro simply is just a 4 spells in one macro but if the cast is resisted it will still cast the spell again until it hit them and then go to next spell you can do this I’m just talking to the wrong people

Nope. The point of the API changes in 2.0 was to break that sort of thing.

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Sorry, forgot to update this with working script in case someone else needs it.
/run for i = 1, 4 do local b = _G[“GroupLootFrame”…i].GreedButton if b:IsVisible() then b:Click() StaticPopup1Button1:Click() end end
Thanks for the responses.