Any Recommendations?

Just coming back to the game from a long break and looking for any recommendations on classes to play. I don’t have any max level characters here and Dwarf Hunter is my highest at like 49. Looking to do group content and some raiding and trying to figure out what character I should focus on leveling. Pretty sure all of my characters on this server are Alliance.

Hey mate.

This advice might sound a lil corny but pick a fantasy archetype that resonates with you and give it a dabble to like level 20 or so. The standard reply of play what you enjoy/is fun is my standard but if you really don’t have in depth experience of the classes you might need to give a few a whirl to get a feel for them before they sink in. Granted there is an evolution of each class and spec from lower levels to higher levels but the main gist/theme is pretty much rooted in the class fantasy as a whole.

Best of luck.

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