Any recent census data on rare Race/Class combos?

I’ve seen statistical breakdowns of Race/Class combos before, but I was wondering if anybody could direct me to anything current wrt Allied Races and the such. I’d especially be interested in race Race/Class/Gender breakdowns, but I don’t think I’ve seen numbers on that before. That’s pretty much it. Thanks, all!

You can play with the data here:

To see which are least common.

Looks like Highmountain Tauren is the least played Allied Race, with Hunter being their least common class. So I’d say that’s probably the rarest combo.

There’s also this, but it feels out of date, seeing as how it says Zandalari trolls are only 0.7% while the previous link has them listed as 4%.

Your link does seem to have a massively larger sample size though, so it could be more accurate.

It’s also a bit different at 120.

Female Kul Tiran Priest seems to be the least played class/race/gender combination in the game according to RealmPop. (Out of the way, female dwarves.)


All of the data seems to agree that nobody likes Kul’tirans.


The other day my mind played tricks on me.

I saw what appeared to be a Dwarf Mage.

I hope it was a well-built illusion. Wouldn’t want to think I’m THAT crazy.

Been a lot fewer Night Elf Mohawks recently.


Can confirm in my case. I play one and I don’t like them, lol.

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I made a druid and couldn’t bear to get him past 21. I have a dad bod in real life, I just have zero desire to continue looking at it in a game.


In a world of fantasy populated by werewolves, undead, orcs, and various elven nations, I’m not surprised to learn that Blizz’s decision to make Fat Humans a race hasn’t really panned out for them.



I play mainly Alliance and yeah every time I see a cloth Dwarf I do a double take lol

I made a Tauren Priest once and it felt kind of really weird and jarring…

I think that, even after all these years, people are still getting used to the Cataclysm race/class combinations. Hyped ones like tauren paladins got a lot of traction but I still don’t see too many dwarf mages or gnome hunters, for example.

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The Void Elves shouldn’t be called an Allied Race … they have more numbers compared to Gnomes, Dwarves and Worgen xD

A Dwarf mage? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.


I rushed to make a Night Elf Mage on day 1 of Cataclysm and it still feels wrong after all these years

I should equip a hipster transmog because I race changed from gnome to kul tiran. Guess it wasn’t as underground enough as I wanted.