Any reason for no Moonkin Resto?

Sadly in TWW Moonkin Form will be a Unique Form only to Balance Druids. As a Resto Druid this shocked me as that was my preferred way to dps during downtime or as it was called “Owlweaving”.

While I truly understand why they removed it from the class tree as a talent choice, I can’t complain freeing up a talent point is bliss regardless how I look at it, but was sort of shocked it didn’t move into being baseline for Resto.

While Resto naturally had 2 solid off dps options, for those who preferred a melee oriented style they had cat form or “Kittyweaving” which the Hero Spec Wildstalker doubles down on, me thinking after seeing Keeper of the Grove spec seeing the synergy with Wrath, Starfire, Starsurge seemed to fit “Owlweaving” perfectly, I was excited, particularly with Fluid form and several other talents on the spec tree.

But they seemed to literally flat out remove Moonkin Form completely, even as KotG on Beta “Kittyweaving” is now more better to do as off dps on both Hero Specs.

Did Blizzard ever give a reason to the actual removal? Did I miss something? Why would they flat out destroy a more caster oriented dps option for those who preferred it.

I say this because I despise going to melee as Resto, I loved “Owlweaving” it fitted perfectly for my choice and playstyle that now seems to be completely lost.

While this may seem extreme to others, this flat out destroyed my excitement for Resto in TWW, I feel like I lost a part of Resto I loved.

Blizzard, if you read this please bring back Moonkin Form baseline back for Resto, give us the choice back. Not only was it used for utility, but it was a great dps option aswell. Please reconsider this change.

From a Resto “Owlweaving” enthusiast, Pepino.

R.I.P Owlweaving, Gone but not forgotten


The only difference between owl weaving before and your normal form now is you have no flap/backward wild charge or convoke in moonkin form. Everything else was baked into you normal form including the 10% dam from moonkin form, so you now just do the same except you dont need to use the gcd to get into form.

Moonkin form should be baseline for resto druid, imo.

I prefer kitty-weaving, personally, but I usually stuck to just casting because I don’t like wasting globals to go into cat form to dps. Now with fluid form that wont be a problem. I still havn’t tried resto since prepatch, but its next on my list.


Yeah this one just doesn’t make sense honestly. The one thing that made Moonkin form feel clunky as Resto was having to constantly waste a GCD shifting into the form. It’s amazing to have the fix for that applied at the exact same time that Moonkin form gets removed… But whatever… frees up a talent point… because I’m still not going to catweave.


I don’t want to kittyweave either I despise it.

It was so much more then that for me though, to me it was the fantasy of shapeshifting as a Druid to the form for the situation, it was perfect Druid harmony.

In combat, Bear for defence, Cat for mobility and stealth, Moonkin for Dps, Night Elf (occasionally Tree Form :blush:) for Healing and Travel/Flight form in the open world. Like literally it used all forms. I couldn’t ask for more.

Then bam, from one expansion to the next it’s gone.

R.I.P Owlweaving, Gone but not forgotten


And no polymorph immunity.

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