Any plans to fix Diamond Flask?

Yeah they have warcraft 1, 2, and 3 spell files / voice files but somehow they forgot to save vanilla on a disc right? XD
computer game company forgets to save computer game on a usb or whatever, sure blizz.


At one point they said they lost the data or didnt have a true 1.1.1 to reference back too, I think that was his point, its obviously a lie, they must have 2004 vanilla saved somewhere.


Lol I love how you immediately go to logs which have no relevance to the topic at hand at least I actually post on my account instead of hiding behind an alt.

Playing at 900+ latency currently due to where I live any guildmate can vouch for that and the delay is even shown in the logs.

You got anything to actually bring up about the topic at hand or just personal attacks?


You mean besides the fact you are wrong about everything and have no authority on what you preach? The logs were justification to you have no authority on anything paladin.

I have Brazilian guild mates and Aussie guild mates playing with worse ping then that and they easily double your throughput.

Make more excuses.

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The reference client was 1.12.x data (abomination client of 1.12.(1-3)) that they had to pull out of other existing data. It matches all information in 1.12 however there are differences in 1.12.1 and 1.12.2. So they can check if the data matches but other then that they had to recreate it. This was said in an interview with that lead developer, his name escapes me.

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I have a hard time believing it myself especially when the game was this successful. They took a long time to release wow classic when OSRS had a copy of their game they had it running within two weeks. Granted OSRS isn’t as big as WoW, but WoW classic is definitely not that much more.

They’re just making it up as they go along.

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Lol blatant lie got people from EU who play here the jump in connection from doing that ranges between 50-100.

You don’t get 900+ ms from distance that comes from having satellite in rural canada because there isn’t any other options.

Wow, it’s almost as if different countries have different abilities to provide infrastructure.

Not only are you disillusioned you don’t understand how ping works.

You’re over here thinking distance makes up for 800+ ms you done trolling?

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yeah if australians get 200-300 ms then 800 ms would be a bigger problem than distance, thats like your internet is just crap nothing to do with distance.

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My internet can get knocked out by slightly bad weather. It’s a joke.

I just got to put up with this until wednesday for when I move I’m actually hyped to get to play vanilla on real internet and see what instant casts are actually supposed to look like.

It’s very unlikely there will actually be 40 Warrior Nacx raids, but people are using it right now to cheese Vael.

Also, imagine a warr with a snapshotted healset using this to cap a node in AB, or capping a tower or GY in AV.

The real question is, why did they “fix” Runeblade of Baron Rivendare HPS scaling, an insanely small drop rate item that also took up a much more valuable slot (weapon), but leave Diamond Flask HPS scaling which is a DPS increase on short fights already with a much less valuable slot (trinket)?


I’m afraid I don’t follow what the hell this bug is you are referencing.

Probably to prevent both
these sweaty tryhards would farm up both item sets and use runeblade with diamond flask and have like 2,000hp/5sec

Diamond flasks receives 100% of +healing in heals, and retains that healing despite the gear swap, so equip +400 healing use the diamond flask, switch back to normal gear, get healed 400+ every 5 seconds while stomping people faces in BGs. Its absolutely a bug and broken.

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Oh yeah it was definitely a needed nerf because any class with a runeblade would be a god with how much hp they would recover and with hunters makes kiting that much easier. It’s just a load of crap to say it was because it was non vanilla because it’s pretty damn odd that it worked in wrath and wasn’t changed at all from vanilla to wrath.

Its working as intended, the game just wasnt developed at this point so only your character abilities and one pot is all you have in a raid.

This item and others like it are the reason items that are good are just good, rather than having a high gearscore, which every high end raider can tell you doesn’t actually stop low ilvl items from being bis.

The dev team you want to nerf diamond flask was the same one who cant make ilvl the end all be all of good gear even though they have spent multiple expansions trying.

Lol come on we know why they changed it that weapon was essentially BIS for pvp for any class that could wear it the amount of damage you lost from it was more than worth the benefit.

nothing to “fix”. It worked like this in vanilla, get over it.