Any Pho enjoyers?

where do you live, staten island??

Oooh Pho.

I haven’t had that personally but it looks good.

No I prefer real food… like hot pockets and pizza rolls

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And you can do veggies in there too. When I make it at home I add mushrooms, sometimes snow peas, stuff like that.

Chicken soup in all its various forms is good for what ails you. So that’s the kind I get.

Went and got me some beef pho today after I saw this post.


This reminds me of Americans that pronounce Mexico as “Meh-He-Coe”. Always cringe at that.

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mmm onions in hot wortor

I usually get extra white onions too hehe.

Pho is life. I make it a habit to get pho in every city I visit.

Best: San Fran

Worst: Tokyo

Honorable Mention: That Twenty Pho Seven place in Orlando with their sirloin steak “pho”

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