All my nostalgia lives on frostwolf. Just wanting to see who is still around. Also i know like .001% of people check realm forums anymore.
Oh !@#$ it's the blackest of barts.
05/01/2017 09:56 PMPosted by BlackerbartAll my nostalgia lives on frostwolf. Just wanting to see who is still around. Also i know like .001% of people check realm forums anymore.
I'm still here since the old days when Shadows of the Horde ruled vanilla/BC content ^.^
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Yep but planning to go Sargeras soon. AH here is cancer and server dead.
Still here from the vanilla days.
05/01/2017 09:56 PMPosted by BlackerbartAll my nostalgia lives on frostwolf. Just wanting to see who is still around. Also i know like .001% of people check realm forums anymore.
WoWforums in 2k17 lol
I've been here since the beginning.
Coming back for classic for sure!
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Really depends on if they mess it up or not. And with all the !@#$%ing back and forth on the classic forum, I'd say there is a chance it could be messed up.
SECOND GENERATION ARE BAD, They have poor attitudes. THey are also TERRIBLE(i mean really) at ICC, if you run with them you will be saved to a fail ICC. It is your time be wise with how you spend it
still here , love this place.
Nah this server is dead as !@#$
Cya in vanilla boys
Cya in vanilla boys
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I miss the days of Magictrev's blog posts.
05/01/2017 09:56 PMPosted by BlackerbartAll my nostalgia lives on frostwolf. Just wanting to see who is still around. Also i know like .001% of people check realm forums anymore.
you're all !@#$s.