Any OG US Boulderfist players still around?

Back after many years away. Reverie and Team Fusion back in the day!

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/wave To all my OG Boulderfist boys. I am kinda still around. Quit. Resub. Quit again. Getting geared up now for TBC classic. Really don’t play much retail anymore. Pwntatos, Martha Stewart, ORLY, Clothing Optional dude here.


yoo Mastus here used to play BE Holy Paladin for Pwntatos, Cliche, Reverie…so many familiar names hope yall fellas been good specially @coppafeelx you and Pwntaur taught me so much about the game :slight_smile: miss the good times

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(B)lazybloodelf checking in. Miss Pwntatos but glad to see you all are still around. Doing the classic thing now.


yo. this is max. the group you lvl’d with thru TBC. you were our best friend lol. you did Arenas with my brother ennio

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chris rojas. this is max mannella

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yoooo whats good my guy! if you still playing add my battlenet RojasC94#1581 long time bro! my bad just saw this response

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Hi Elizar, did you have a son that played TBC with you? Did they jump in and handle the Gorefiend constructs in BT?

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Barkono here! MT for Reverie in MC + BWL. Profiteering first Heartseeker maker. Nice to see a few familiar name. Been 15+ years since last I played.

holy crap i know this is a necro but are you the real coppafeel?

do you remember soliduzz?anticamper?

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The real necro brings all your UD friends back to the yard… Assuming you might be Soliduz?

Oh man I used to play holy priest back in the TBC days. Kyrieeleison was the name lol

Used to play in TBC, mostly PVP with martha stewart and a bit of raiding with reverie