I seem to find on every website that Fistweaving is the meta. I find fistweaving to be weak compared to the output of healing that caster can. However, what my question is, is if someone were to play caster does it make sense to stat into Haste/versatility or should I go haste/crit like most meta guides tell me?
I accidentally did a +8 GB in my raid spec and it went fine lol.
Ancient teaching just does so much damage/healing, especially during trash, it’s hard to justify not using that.
That said, you could definitely play a full caster build and be fine. As long as you’re keeping people alive nobody is going to care about your damage.
You should still be using your utility though like Ring of peace, paralyze, leg sweep, interrupt, applying the 5% physical debuff which means being somewhat in melee range at least periodically.
At the end of the day, MW caster has higher healing output potential but deals effectively zero damage. In M+, dealing damage as a healer is valuable.
Ive been doing 10’s with a peer into peace/Invokers/Mending Prolif/Tears build and HPS is never really an issue. It is bursty enough to cover for minor non one shot mistakes. It’s been working for me in pugs. You can still put out some damage and no one has yet to complain or say anything negative. You will be fine as long as you maximize your globals and do your best.
Mistweaver Monk The War Within Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
Maintain Ren Mists
The playstyle is ramp heavy, where you blanket the group in env mists and ren mists via Soo Mist/ Peer Into Peace - so you can combine/maximize the healing buffs from chi harmony/MP/Env Mist - and then spam vivifies. Mix in cooldowns as needed for the really bursty aoe mechanics.
Soo-Env spam a few people before mechanics to spread env mist, mending prolif, and chi harmonies, then either combine that with yu’lon, spam vivify triage style, pop celestial conduit, pop sheiluns, etcetc. You can use SG at 3 stacks for the buffs, or swap that talent point for the other node for more casts of SG. I find if I properly ramp my harmonies/env mists on the group before dmg happens it’s a ton of healing before buffs. Quick soo-env-viv is mostly enough to full heal someone. Chi Cocoon the squishy people.
Note that if mending proliferation is on someone you can env mist them and those buffs DO combine, with chi harmony on them too it can make one vivify do a TON of healing. You want to track env mist/ren mist/mending prolif at least. You can kinda maintain env mist on one person and it will spread to the tank when they take damage, then you can soo-env-viv the tank if they are taking a ton of damage, it’s usually overkill HPS wise but it helps for really bad tanks.
Buffed I have 24% crit, 31% haste, 111% mast, 3% vers. Ideally you want haste/crit and some mastery, Ive been trying to push my crit up to 30% without dropping lower than 30% haste. Biggest int upgrades and 30% haste are good starting points.
I wouldn’t stack vers at all unless you plan to do really high keys then you would add some if you deem it’s important to survive a specific mechanic. MW is pretty beefy already if you plan your cooldowns, and you get a 6% dr from casting soo mist on people.
Make sure your JSStatue is down as much as you can too, at least at first, you wont always need that extra healing but it does add up on bosses or certain pulls. Mana tea before you ramp or after when you have time to regen and you shouldn’t need to drink.
Obviously you don’t want to be sitting there soo misting when no one needs healing, with enough haste you can go from very quick peer into peace soo mist-env spam ramps ( or vivify spams ) to doing damage, and back. So when you can you should be contributing to CC/Utility/Damage.
No we dont put out no damage. That is a lie. While you wont get a ton of damage out or as much as FW you can still contribute some decent damage: Try to RSK on CD for chi harmony RenMists and dmg, use your utility, interrupt prio casts, stay in melee or very close to it…TP/BOK/RSK when you have downtime ( TP will help fish for the black Ox shield procs, env mist the tank or someone when you get them ).
For aoe pulls you can smash sck when you have large groups of adds and don’t need to heal much. If you are really comfortable secret infusion/shaohao’s buffs/conduit can all be combined to buff SCK damage if you don’t need to hold them for a healing event. Try to weave in damage and healing kinda thing.
Shouldn’t have issues getting your 10’s done unless people are really messing up mechanics or they dont defensive for those big one shot mechanics. ( you can somewhat cover extra squishy people with Life cocoon and chi cocoons and channeling the soothing mist DR on them, but you shouldnt have to if they can DR stuff, picking up Omni CD addon or another cooldown tracker addon could help you determine who needs life cocoon or not )
Even if you’re going a Soothing Mists-based build, I would highly recommend taking Ancient Teachings of the Monastery and the new Crackling Jade Lightning talent. Basically every 30 seconds, after you cast Thunder Focus Tea, you get to do a very good amount of damage to a pack of enemies, and the damage is so high that it causes ancient teachings of the monastery to heal the party to full (ancient teaching now triggers off of TFT). All of this can be done at a range!
Doing good damage plus another healing cooldown every 30 seconds in dangerous packs is a win-win in my book!
Probably depends on how high of keys you wanna do. I dabble in the 8-10 range for crests/trinkets for raid and I just used my raid build for m+ and it was fine.
I also started this season as pure caster, but in 8+ keys the extra throughput and reliability tends to be less valuable since fails generally oneshot people but most of them use defensives for predictable damage.
I tried this build out today, healed two 9s and a 10 at 621 ilvl. This build easily handled them. I will say that I had to drink pretty frequently. I also swapped out the bottom option of Sheilun’s Gift to grab the jade lightning talent for a touch more damage.
I’m glad it worked out for you!
Make sure you mana tea frequently, try to fit it in before ramps if possible. I only drink once or twice a dungeon at the 10 level but some pugs/groups make me pump more than I should have to so deff have a stack of water around just incase :3
I found it to be a fun build, deff modify as you see fit, Veil of Pride is a great talent in m+, so is sith lightning tea :3
Does anyone have a link to a good raid talent build, or someone’s armory who I can copy? Thanks in advance.