Any late night or morning raiding guilds for woltk here

Im curious if there are going any late night or morning raiding guilds here?

Despite knowing this is a US East server, was curious about any late night people? Like raids start 11pm-12am EST?

One late night guild I know of is Donkey Brains they start at midnight EST.

There are a few morning guilds. I personally and running with Coffee and Karazhan who run 8:30AM - 11:30AM EST. There are others, like Heroic, Second Breakfast, Dawn and I think another I can’t think of at the moment.

We’re actually recruiting if you’re interested! Hit me up on Discord, Bahgz #2682 and I’ll point you in the right direction!

I’ve aggragated a lot of information that I’ve found so that hopefully it makes it easier for some people. Check it out and feel free to post information that can be edited in if you’d like.