Any late-night, casual mythic guilds need a holy priest?

My guild has stopped raiding and I want to continue.

Me: 445 ilvl. AOTC months ago. I have CE’s but not recently - came back to the game for Dragonflight. Don’t really want to play disc or shadow. My S2 logs are mostly purple with a small raid team. Season 1 logs were mostly orange with a bigger raid team.

You: late night (10 PM EST or later start - this is firm) and no weekends (i.e. no FRI/SAT, Sunday is fine). I don’t care about CE anymore; I just want to keep raiding. Any level of M progression is fine as long as there’s a group that wants to raid every week.

I generally maintain 100% attendance, except for like holidays and stuff.

Hey there! We are very interested in your holy priest. Send me a message!

Midnight Mutiny is on Sargeras. We are always looking for late night gamers!

Our raid times are
Tuesday/Wednesday - Mythic Team 5/9M
Thursday - Heroic Team 9/9H

10:30pm - 1:30am PST (1:30am - 4:30am EST)

We are a fun friendly bunch and would love to have you if it is a good fit.

BTag: Fhatee#1821 or Discord: fhatee

Hello JelloShot,

We are just that but we do not raid any mythics. AOTC and KSH are our goals. We are still doing heroic clears every week and we are all active doing mega and m+ , alt stuff, etc.

1030 pm eastern start time for raids and other activities.

Drop me a disc if you want to talk more, would love another strong main spec healer.

Disc = Markwahlbear

Take care and talk soon.

4:30 am is a little too late for me, but thanks!

Hello! Our guild: this is fine - Stormrage. We raid Tue/Thur from 11pm-2am EST. We’re 3/9M, been trying to recruit players who still want to raid this late in the season. Add me on bnet if you like, LadyVisa#1936

My main is Hollapeño-Stormrage

cool, added you. Might not be in game that much this weekend cause the holiday, but if you want to give me your discord I can hit you up there.

Sure, disc name is LadyVisa

bump, still looking.

See my post if you haven’t. We could definitely use a holy priest. Give me a shout if interested.

Stay safe out there brave adventurer!