Any interest in one night a week raid group/guild?

Friend of mine and I are interested in joining or starting up a one night a week normal raid guild or group. Thursday or Friday night, 2.5-3 hours, knock out as much content as we can in that time span weekly. Probably normal only to start but could progress to heroic if we get a good group going.

If interested, send me a tell or mail in game, post here, etc. If that group/guild already exists we will join up, or if there is sufficient interest we will fire it up under the tag. Old school guild, was a good casual raid guild back in WotLK, would be fun to get it running again!

Ibyish Clan is currently running one night per week but it’s Sunday.

Right now we’re working on heroic Uldir but we’ll be stating out with normal Dazar’alor next month.

See my recent post for a bit more info.

We wouldn’t be able to make Sunday work. If you switch nights keep us in mind!