They just bought Daybreak Games, who currently run the EverQuest franchise under the Darkpaw Games studio.
I’ve legit never heard of this company. It’s based in Stockholm and I’ve heard some rumors, but I can’t even get a full portfolio. What I have seen, I don’t recognize any of their games, outside the ones that their marketing group handled.
So anyone ever heard of these guys?
As a side note, I think EQ has changed hands now four times? And it’s kind of depressing. Got a soft spot for that game.
It’s a small number of previous EQ developers who stayed with the games. Their focus is obviously maintaining the game rather than major developments. The head of Darkpaw jumped shipped to WoW Classic a few months ago (how much innovation can WoW Classic have?) so not much to change your depressed mood. Kind of similar on how lotro has changed hands around three times.
No, I’ve heard of Darkpaw, Im more concerned with who EG7 is.
Both EQ games are due expansions here in a few weeks, but I’m smelling the end of the franchises as a result.
I knew their head was sniped off by Blizzard, but I can’t imagine innovation in Classic lol.