Any horde RP-PVP guilds?

Hi all!

I’ve recently returned to the game in prep for TWW and am looking for an active guild. Orc RP would be a big plus as well as pvp, but neither are a requirement as long as it’s chill.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

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I too would like to join such a guild

Welcome back to Wyrmrest Accord, please tell us about your RP characters.

There are a few RP-PvP guilds that come to mind.
Lianshí’s guild Battleforged
Buliss’s guild The Volkar Legion
Zaeka’s guild Southfury Watch

I don’t know if Volkar is still around and / or recruiting, as it’s been a while since I’ve been ingrained in the server’s community. I know I’ve seen Lianshi and Southfury members post more often here on the forums, though.

Good hunting, don’t fight on the roads, and remember:
PvP is the Devil.
All hail Nakhu Khan.


While some of us here at the Watch do PvP, we aren’t a RP PvP guild per se. RP PvP is not what it once was on WrA, and what you may have experienced back in the olden days may not be what you get this go around.

Still, I’d be remiss not to say that the SFW is a Barrens-based ragtag group of chill folks who are enthusiastic about defending one of the Horde’s most important assets. We aim for a WC3 vibe and play our cards close to the chest when it comes to this theme- orcs, tauren, trolls, and goblins can join up if they have what it takes. We’ll make exceptions for others if they’ll fit in, but generally a forsaken or blood elf doesn’t have much reason to dedicate their life to doing what we do, so they don’t join. It’s always worth a conversation so reach out to Zaeka, Tezel, or Silaxa for more info.

I’ll also plug Lianshi because they’re enthusiastic about RP PvP and they’re good people. I know that like many of us, Lianshi yearns for the new battlefield of the current age, one that baptizes our realm in slaughter and bloodshed so that heroes can rise up atop the mounds of the departed and bask in eternal glory. Or something like that. Hopefully they see this and can say more!


It’s sad how much warmode really quashed RP PVP :C I wonder how much of it could make a come back if Blizz restored the World Defense channel.


Just given how sharding has been implemented and that this change made world and local defense impossible to use, I doubt we will ever see that again. If we could see what shard we were on, maybe. Something similar to Ashran of old. But there would need to be more than just reason for them to do something like that, and IDK what other reasons would be.

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The only thing I could suggest is to forego war mode altogether and simply flag up outside of war mode somewhere out in the world.

Or…with cross faction guilds being a thing now, a particular guild could try pulling people from 2 factions into the same shard in one raid group and then ungrouping. I don’t know 100% that it would work, but maybe. So finding each other for WPvP might be possible.