Leave a message down below with application link or forum post. Looking for extremely hardcore guild. I have 2 friends joining me if the guild looks good!
About me:
R13 on private servers and have cleared up to Naxx.
Plan on going dps however I have main tanked through AQ40 so I can easily off-tank if needed in the first week or so.
2700+ exp in arenas
Very high exp in other games (master tier in league, global elite in csgo, legend in hearthstone)
Me and a few friends decided to start our own guild and would love to invite you to join us. We plan on hitting 60’s within the first week if time allows us.We moslty plan on being a Semi-Hardcore guild because most of us work but we still plan on playing 14+ hours the first 1-2 week and then around 6-8 hours during the rest of the days. Plans are to get to 60 as fast as possible. Raiding’s around 2 times per week. And once phase 2 rolls out we plan on heavy PVP as well.
We would love to have Hardcore players among us!
If you are interested and would like to know more about us you can join our discord :
Also looking for a hardcore raiding guild on a full/high pop pvp server. Available 16+ hours a day monday-friday with some weekends. I need a guild that raids weeknights, I can raid 5 nights a week if needed and am willing to spam run dungeons to gear up guildmates for raid preparation.
I play enhancement shaman and have extensive classic raid experience with a top 3 world guild at the time. (Blood Legion-Illidan)