Title says it all. Any guilds looking for Hallowfall Arathi?
It is too soon to expect to have a successful idea for an Arathi themed guild, more specifically a Hallowfall-themed Arathi guild i believe.
With no knowledge of origins for most Arathi based players, alot of it is built on uncertainty. Like what happened before the expedition was transported beneath the surface? Does anyone remember what the Arathi Empire is like?
The idea of having amnesia is a possibility but they would have no knowledge of ANY race or anywhere other than Hallowfall. Going anywhere would require the correct permissions like a passport to travel, the knowledge of knowing where to go like a map of the unknown world, and how to speak to other races without offending them.
You would literally have a character who was born/raised in Hallowfall with no knowledge of any other civilization/race/culture before that.
Seeing a Panda or a Dracthyr would be the most amazing thing ever.
And there are a few players that can separate themselves from everything else, like a player who never played warcraft before TWW and started right at level 70 on the Isle of Dorn.
A guild that works solely to defend Arathi (The Lamplighters, etc) is plausible but life outside the cave would be scary. A fear of the unknown world beyond trade with the Earthen or conflicts with the Nerubians.
I think it’s entirely doable as long as any mentions of life within the Empire itself are kept vague. There would be some strict lore rules to follow, such as no mages (with teleportation magic, at least), and standard Arathi Imperial military training for most except the kiddos, since everyone in the original expedition were in the Army (or priests). Also, no races beyond human/high elf, probably.
I’ve seen a few around, can’t really remember names since… wasn’t really all that interested, but there’s a few going around, just look for a bunch of Lamplighters around or a fellow goes around with two Kul’tiran body guards sitting at a desk.
There’s one called Mereldar’s Fist I’ve seen around.
Also Kingdom of Stromgarde has a ton of Hallowfall Arathi characters.
One of Kingdom of Stromgarde’s own Arathi here. Can’t recommend it enough.
Incredibly fun narrative theme in-guild because we’re an expedition to the Highlands that gets to play diplomat/ally to the actual KoS stuff.