Any good spots for solo Genesis Mote farming?

While I have a few ideas on where to farm, I haven’t done an actual analysis of mote drops per hour. Can anyone recommend locations where they’ve had good yields?

From what I understand, the best thing would be to find a group to farm motes together. I haven’t been able to find any on the LFG Custom. If I wanted to start one, is the location best for a group different from the one best for a solo farmer?

I’ve never found anywhere that I’d consider “fast” for Mote farming. Most reliable seems to be in Genesis Fields around 42 71, where there’s a steady supply of possible drops all around you and they’re easy kills. A bit boring but an hour or so should give you couple hundred motes.

This seems to be the favored spot for group farming. Watch for other players working it and see if they want to group up.

If you have any alts also working Zereth Mortis, make sure to get them Dealic Understanding on the Cypher Console so they can open the pet Protoforge. Means they’ll be getting occasional Genesis Mote drops while they’re grinding along and since the motes are BoA, can pass them on to you.



I’m doing mounts, and an hour here basically gets you enough for one mount (300-400).

Good stuff.


I’m late to the party on 9.2, so I’m still waiting for my research timer to open this up, and I really appreciate this post and the replies.

It won’t happen today for me, but tomorrow, I get to start grinding for the pets. /bounces up and down in her chair.

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Gentle reminder that if you decide to farm motes in a group, there’s still a tag/loot cap of 5 max (IIRC?). Raids are ok but if it’s more than 5 it won’t work, someone will get screwed and won’t be able to loot. I found this out the hard way >_<


Tokens from the Vault can be traded in for 250 Genesis Motes IIRC.


One token can be traded for Bottled Night Sky which is 25 Genesis Motes. Still, thank you for mentioning this or I would have never looked.

Other things that can be traded for one token include: 1 Renown, 500 Cosmic Flux, 150 Enlightened Rep, 40 Cyphers of the First Ones, 500 Catalogued Research, 250 Soul Ash and 500 Stygia. This is with Ko’tul who is located in the Oribos Vault/Bank room.

If only you could do that trade in reverse. I have a massive surplus of literally all those things but I’m sure I’ll never even see a token (whatever that is).


If you raid, do Mythic+ dungeons or Rated PvP, you’ll get up to 6 tokens from your Great Vault if none of the items offered interest you.

lol between farming that daily chest in the maw (the one with the boa stygia token) and mission tables across alts, i have so much stygia i dont know what to do with it. Guess i could buy and DE armor tokens from korthia…