Any Good Era Servers for getting back into the swing

Getting kind of Bored of cata, And SoD hasn’t really hooked me, I was wondering if there were any good realms to play classic that aren’t completely dead? I was thinking about doing horde, But If the only living realm is alliance im open to that too!

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im lvl 16 in alliance and it’s alive and kicking.
im on mankrik but pvp is over at whitemane.
i want to go horde but idk how that is.

Era now has two main clusters, Mankrik for PvE and Whitemane for PvP. If you want a populated server experience, those are your options. Those realms are linked to several others but it doesn’t matter, make your characters there.

Also, if you’re thinking about doing Horde, be aware that Mankrik Horde is pretty underopulated. I leveled a character there recently and had a really hard time finding dungeon groups as a healer. By contrast, I’ve found it to be a lot easier to find groups on Alliance side.

It’s my understanding that Whitemane is a lot more balanced, so if you’re fine with PvP then you can go there.

Era is defintely not dead, you should be able to find people to play with. Good luck to you :slight_smile:

I have been finding it easier to find groups on whitemane alliance than whitemane horde. I feel like there are more people looking for boosting horde side.

Maybe because there is more, oh well, just have the ret tank. And horde you sit for 30 minutes and disband. (I realize you barely need a tank, but people usually just don’t want that).

And if you’re OCE, don’t bother. All the servers are dead and you won’t find help for group/dungeon quests.

Lots of OCE people on whitemane.

Enduring how much lag though? I got over enduring 300+ back when the world finally acknowledged Australia was an actual country (and probably a more important one than many other regions that unjustifiably get better latency) and have no interest in going back.

That I cannot tell you since I am not OCE.

But I’ve raided with a guild that was mostly OCE a few times (they had great music), and some players I still raid with weekly are in NZ.

I haven’t played much in a couple weeks due to being busy with RL stuff, but Mankrik cluster Alliance is pretty good.

I play on Mankrik - its “the PVE server”

From what I can tell (just dang 60) its pretty active most hours of the day.
Also plenty of raiding guilds around different progression (a lot of MC/BWL guilds)

Leveling up I was able to find a group for every dungeon I wanted to do any given night as a DPS. There were also plenty of people questing in every zone I was in, the MOST shocking part is … I have not met many people who are in bad moods or toxic (could be luck! - Im also super chill so that helps)

If Vanilla is what you seek - era has a place for you.
and no its not too late to start (never will be!)

200ms isn’t insurmountable (though problematic in PVP) but after having experienced 50ms I simply refuse to go back. It’s just too unpleasant.

I got bored in Cata as well and leveled a Tauren Shaman and an Undead Warrior on Whitemane. I started on Whitemane at Classic launch and it has always been poppin. There’s 2 types of end game content now, GDKPs and SR Guilds. I have 1 toon in each. Plenty to do and the World PvP is fun.