Any "Dark/Evil" Alliance guilds recruiting? or Wogen alliances?

Hey I’m sort of new, slowly getting bored. Are any guilds recruiting? Tried using guild finder but it seems most guilds there are inactive.

Id start my own but then I’d have to find 4 strangers to sign my charter.

A stranger is just a friend you haven’t committed a crime with yet.


Hey there, welcome to WrA! Guild finder is frankly an outdated and terrible way to find guilds, which is a shame. We do have an active Discord though, the Wyrmrest Community Project, give it a look if you’re searching for guilds! If you want Dark A-RP in general, you should come check out the Duskwood scene! Lots of walk-up and spooky shenanigans!

The Worgen Alliances were defeated during the ‘Great Boopening’ I fear. Many Worgen, Tauren, Vulpera and Pandaren suffered during that event.

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