Any current accurate videos on the path of least resistance?

I have seen a whole bunch of videos on how to level fastest, farm properly, loot properly etc etc… but most of them are 30+ days old.

I haven’t touch Remix yet so will be brand new today - Anyone link me some advice videos or sites that have current data and will allow me to eventually get every MOG and Mount the most time productive ways?

Thx in advance. I just want to maximize my time as I don’t get a lot of time to play.

Build trial account, make holy priest - level to 20 and get “Searing Light”. Open main account and invite character you intend to level. Queue as party with priest as healer and whatever your leveling character is to be (even if heals, put it as DPS).

Create “follow” macro. Put speed gems on leveling character and try to make sure it keeps up as you run through blowing everything up with your “twink”. As you gain more power, your “twink” will have P.Gems all the way around. Pick up Searing Light before attempting to do so…then throw in Brittle + Slay. The fourth tinker gem is your choice, but I prefer Victory Fire - as you erupt into flames.

Collect loot on “twink” to get threads and gems. Create leave group macro to exit groups quickly on both accounts. Rinse, repeat. Use Mailbox Helper and turn off auto-loot. Every so often do an inventory dump. At breakpoints 25, 35, 40 run MSV, HOF, and TOES. Once you are 41-43 open all mail containing XP boost tokens. Profit.

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Woah… this wont be “fixed” in a patch today will it? This seems pretty straight forward. Thx for posting.

Depends on your objectives - if you want to collect a bunch of the cosmetics as fast as possible while leveling a handful of alts, then do the following:

Start a character and get through the intro, then beeline for a bazar (marked on map, one in Jade, another in Four Winds, another at faction Shirine in Vale), pick up and do the dailies (dungeon / scenario) while completing all four queue bonus rewards (scenario / heroic scenario / dungeon / heroic dungeon), then spam dungeons while knocking out easy achievements (explore / treasures / rares / kill WB).

The goal is to gain threads as fast as possible (dailies and achievements reward spools that contain multiple threads) to reach the achievement for getting 4200 threads (Infinite Power XII) that unlocks a 100% XP boost on every character created.

After that, you can start creating alts and use the trial account method outlined by Dymentia, or even just do the same thing but queue on your character instead of relying on a trial account booster (slower - best with a tank / healer class for faster queues).

This will get you multiple alts in the shortest time played, as well as each alt will gain somewhere around 80K bronze, which for the time spent leveling is probably the fastest method to gain bronze to purchase all the cosmetics.

If you just want to play the mode at level 70 and gear up, then you can just kind of sort of follow the advice to run MSV / HoF / Terrace for the XP % buffs while still playing through the content you prefer (quests versus instances) to 70, then start the gear grind which the fastest is to run the dailies and then find carry groups in the premade finder as bronze from raids is far better than anything else, with heroic better than normal.

Avoid LFR unless you specifically want to collect the weapon tints available only in that mode (see WoWHead for all the different weapons / tints available), Blizzard in their infinite wisdom made the rewards suck (7% XP bonus per 3-4 bosses versus 12% per boss in normal, 1K bronze per 3-4 bosses versus at least 1K bronze per boss).

Agree. Also, you have to do the opener quest to set-up your character. Then use a STANDARD flying mount to get off the airships for either horde or alliance. Once you are a safe distance away, you can switch to dragon-riding and go straight to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. If you attempt to dragon ride straight away, you’ll be teleported back to the airships.

That’s how I have done it - others go to the bazaar, but I like to park at the inns in the respective “capital cities” for each faction.

I use dragon riding once on the air ship

Only if you are near the quest givers - just move to the edge of the ship away from the quest area, and fly away from the ship / quest area.

I got ported back up once Ally side - moving to the side of ship and flying away from the quest area solved the issue.

I also go to Vale as it is just as close as anywhere and has an inn (be sure to set hearthstone) with the bazar (Valley does as well) - but any bazar works.

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since you are just starting - do heroic dungeons and scenarios while you are still lower level. you will get rings unlocked much easier and faster that way and they help with some of the later growing pains by providing extra gem slots.

I highly doubt it.

Sincerely hope I don’t have to eat my words later.

I leave my levelling alts at the entrance when I run on my main who obliterates everything.

If you don’t want to do the 2 account trick, just spam Heroic Dungeons immediately. If you find yourself in a group where one or more players are flying through, just try to keep up, any loot from bosses will be mailed to you. Now if you don’t want to go at the speed of light, you can just not keep up.

Do your 3 dailies (3rd will be doable at level 25). Do 1 Normal & 1 Heroic Scenario. 1 Normal Dungeon and continue spamming Heroic Dungeons until 25.

If you can get into a Normal Mogu’shan Vaults, great, if not just do LFR.

At 35 try get into Normal Heart of Fear, if not, do LFR.

At 40 it’s Terrace of Endless Springs, again, try to get into a Normal as the Normal Versions give 12% EXP Boost to your cloak per boss.

Turn Auto Loot OFF, do not loot the XP tokens ( the ones that actually add experience to your character), they will all go to your mailbox.

I’m not sure of the level but do the World Bosses you have access too every day.

Your goal is to get as much bonus XP on your cloak as possible before opening all that XP in your mailbox.

You also want to try get 4200 Threads so that any alts you may want to to create, start at 100% Bonus XP on their cloaks.

I’d also recommend trying to get the rings, trinkets and neck. Though not vital for your first character immediately but they will are account bound as soon as you have obtained them.,the%20items%20to%20buy%20them!

Once you have completed the intro and are dropped off in the Jade Forest, you can leave the ship immediately. You can go straight to the Bazaar for your dailes, after that, I personally on every single Alt, head here:

Hidden Treasures: The Jade Forest

and pick up the Lucky Pandaren Coin and Pandaren Ritual Stone the Ancient Pandaren Tea Pot is also close too.

These give you and achievement that rewards 1000 Bronze iirc.

I then fly to the Shrine of Seven Stars (Alliance) or Two Moons (Horde) and set my Hearthstone there, it’s a very central location I find.

That’s about all I can think of aside from sure, questing is an option, as are getting achievements and killing rares etc, but I have found spamming Heroics is by far the fastest way, it’s even the fastest when I’m levelling solo - meaning I’m not using my main to speed things along.

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It goes quick without any gimmicks anyway, just play like you actually enjoy it. Or, if you don’t, do something else instead.

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I guess you didn’t read the OP?

This is why many of us are offering advice, just as OP asked.

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I read it. There’s just plenty of time to do that without doing wonky stuff.

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Don’t bother with the trial account/mailbox leveling nonsense. Make a toon, play it. Upgrade your gear and put in proper gems as you level. Then upgrade your gear as much as possible once you hit lvl 70. If you have any questions add Sparklepony#11104 and I’ll do my best to answer them.

There is 40k bonus bronze for every level 70 alt, which is a lot, but I’m thinking now an army of alts is not the fastest way.

Pick a main, max out their gear, and you’ll blast through even heroic level raids very quickly and accumulate the bronze needed to buy all the rewards.

As you’re leveling, do the dailies and as many of the raids as you have time for on a daily basis.

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I make more bronze per hour on my main.


I just finished getting everything and didn’t do daily raiding, it just takes a lot longer. Nothing has changed meaningfully other than hyperspawn nerfs. I did a combination of multiple characters mostly just doing the 3 main daily quests on a handful of them. I fully geared one character very slowly then did the mythic achievement and got bones on it over a few days.

The fastest leveling is still mailbox trick and normal raiding for bonus XP. Without mailbox trick the fastest leveling is doing whatever between doing raids because the raid bonus XP is just way beyond anything you’ll get doing anything else.

The best bronze outside of your 3 main daily quests + another scenario and dungeon is also raiding. The entire mode is just a raid-centric mode, but you can accomplish most things without raiding if you want to do them 10x slower.

You don’t really need a guide. Everything of high value is locked behind a daily lockout whether it’s dungeon/scenario bonus, 3 main daily quests or daily raid lockouts. You just do them every day you feel like it until you’re done.

Use an addon like trove tally to make the vendors less annoying to keep track of, especially if you use multiple characters.

Fastest leveling I have found is,

  1. Run heroic dungeons.
  2. Don’t loot the bonus xp tokens
  3. Repeat until you are high enough to do raids.
  4. Don’t loot the tokens off those bosses either.
  5. Once you hit about 45 or so your bonus xp on the cloak should be around 350-400%.
  6. Open your mail and get all of your tokens.

Last guy I did it one was a paladin and was just over 3 hours total.

Edit: for gear at that point, run a few LFRs and you will get 346 level gear.

Edit 2: to get the bonus xp treads you need to do normal. Each boss gives 12% threads. The LFR ones give 7% I believe. So once you can run raids do those a lot, as lock outs permit.

Holy cow… a lot of great info, thanks all.

And what are the necessary add ons to get to do all of these different ways?

There is a loot add-on, but I don’t use it.

You can keep auto loot turned off and manually loot what you want. Or keep it on and remember to shift click when looting to override it.

Yeah but thats not what I asked :slight_smile:
Anyone with a few addon suggestions?

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