Any Classic reroll guilds out there yet?

Hi. The start of my classic experience was haulted after medical issues. A lot of the things I was looking forward to kind of left me behind and most of my guild are level 60 and raiding right now…

Was wondering if there are currently any guilds out there starting fresh a aiming for progress in phase 2? Clean slate, all new toons etc.? I don’t see myself playing otherwise tbh :confused:

This definitely has some appeal.

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I remember being a part of a successful reroll guild back in tbc, and ended up having my best time on wow… meeting people, leveling and goiing through the whole process together… I know nothing beats a whole fresh server start, but I also know I can’t be the only one who feels left behind.

Any faction and server preferences?

Me personally, I’d prefer alliance. Horde would be alright but weird since I’ve never leveled horde even on retail. Server doesn’t matter to me… I wish I could lead something like this, but I got no time for that lol… would be happy to help tho if anyone else wants to.

Hey Benny, we have about 60 members but we are not in the rush to lvl fast, most of us work and all that good adult stuff.

Here’s a little info about us. We are looking to start raiding Oct 20th, we have a ton of players leveling.

We are looking for all players to join us, mainly looking for healers and exceptional DPS.

We are The Greybeards an alliance guild, we have about 60 active members and we are planning to start raiding Oct 20th.

Sunday 6:30-10:30 EST
Monday 8:00-12:00 EST

Recruitment Needs:
Druids: High
Hunters: Low
Mages: Low
Priests: High
Rogues: Low
Paladin: Medium
Warlocks: High
Warriors DPS: Medium

We are a mature guild and most of us have being playing together for years. If you’re looking for a community and always having people on discord to hang out and do things, come check us out.

PST Thevestian in game for more info or hit me up on discord Thevestian#0654

You can also reach out to our GM Practitioner in game or Practitioner#3378 on discord.

So, I’ve decided to go ahead and start an Alliance reroll guild, on Sulfuras. I’ll update here with more information on new character, after reaching level 10, and starting a guild.

As it will be a reroll guild, I’m thinking we should give at least a month to level and gear up for raiding, so I’m thinking something like Nov. 19th is the anticipated first raid, with a schedule of something like Tues 8:30pm to 12:30am server time to start.

Additional days/times can be added with newer content, TBD, but Wed/Mon are the most likely.

Message Wrecksly in-game for more information.

And, here it is!

<Balance> recruiting new Alliance characters on Sulfuras!

Hey there! :slight_smile:

If you are looking for a casual, family friendly guild that actually helps each other come check Grievance out. We are on Mankrik (H)

We are mainly still leveling and have no plan to start actively raiding until after the holidays, so there is never any rush to get to 60. If you happen to already be 60, join us in our many Guild events, Leveling days, Rep grind days, Naked runs and of course grinding that level 60 content to be as prepared as you can for when we start raiding in the new year. We may be slower to down content, but we will down all content.

We would love for you to join us if you are looking for a friendly place that will never put raiding above community and will never leave you behind… but with that being said, you will have every opportunity to kill big bad end game bosses with us when we are ready to raid.

Nionya#7814 on Discord for more info :slight_smile:

Come to Paigle! [Masochistic Tendencies] is looking for more. :slight_smile:
I have several characters at level 1, and my highest one is 33. And I need new friends.

Alliance, PVE EST

