Any chance for Garrison revival/upgrades/customizations?

I understand that with what’s been going on with the current xpac, Garrisons are on the wayside of the yesterdays for a reason. It would be nice however, if we could get something to make them relevant again. Maybe the new mission tables included in the Garrisons? Some new appearance or customization abilities? I would love to give my Garrison a more Night Elf look with certain decoration options, if they could be added. Do so few people use their Garrisons anymore? Are they just going to sit and collect dust from here on out?


It isn’t Sunday yet.

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Garrisons are not coming back most likely considering their reception when they were current content.

Sadly their stupid damn REDACTED mission board system has not been buried with it.


I honestly wish the scrapyard would come back. Being able to get legacy green items was probably the most hyped i’ve been in this game in a REALLY long time. Most of the Garrison can stay away - at least stuff tied to professions - but the scrapyard and stables were really awesome.

Honestly just having BoE items being able to pop up from any previous expansion was really cool. Always had that little excitement from opening a present feeling when I went to open my big scrap boxes.


In theory, Draenor could become relevant again since it will be a leveling option from 10-50 in Shadowlands. I doubt they will add any new content to it while they’re adjusting it, though.

This is one of my pet peeves with WOW , when a new expansion come out its like the rest of the world come to a standing stop , blizzard goes out of there way to make old expansion irrelevant. I would have love a garrison rank 4 or 5 , 6 , 7 or maybe have the ability to move it from expansion to another so you can take it from WoD to BFA.


Back under the bridge you go.

My NE Hunter uses it, for the AH with two ports to it (garrison, shipyard.)

My NE Priest/tailor uses it to make hexweave bags.

Mine is still at the very beginning :wink: Whatever boost this character took, from the preorder of BFA my Hunter did, it did not include any Garrison upgrade.

“That Last Empty Garrison Plot”, is something I’ve always wanted addressed. Back in the day, people just assumed there would be a Garrison 4.0 which took care of that; No one imagined it would just forever be empty.

Hmm, I never thought about how you’ll be able to level there from 10-50, as Jameson mentions.

My Hunter did most of the Garrison stuff during Legion, when at Legion timegates. That was when she went back and got the stables mounts, did all reps (thank you Medallion of the Legion, even Wrynn’s!), ship stuff, etc. The only thing she still has no luck with are Garrison invasion mounts, so sometimes she bothers to do that.

“Throw away content”, which doesn’t tie in later, is kind of sad.

Of course, you could imagine the forum outcry if they DID put in more Garrison stuff:

“Oh, now I have to grind out my level 3 garrison on my 300 alts that don’t have it???”

No I do not wish for them to be brought back in any way, shape, or form. That said player housing would be a welcome addition and likely what you are really asking for.

No. Next question. :slight_smile:

I still use my garrisons to make savage blood - still sell for 50g on my server. (it’s tricky to cage wolves with a 120/450 toon without killing them). It’s sad that sump fur is worthless now. If you have a tannery with a leather worker he can make a couple items that you can vendor for 28g each. Probably the only real value is 2 stones to get to AH and Orgrammar. I wish they’d upgrade disenchanting to current xpac - that would be nice.

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I loved my garrisons, still miss them. Would love to have them back.

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Lulz, you should post in that thread about funny/joke names :wink:

Yes, the only thing I do really is have my tailor make backpacks still.

Yeah, when my hunter still bothered to cage wolves she was 110 (not even tried at 120.) She also has the AH, so that is nice.

We didn’t even get this, despite a ton of requests, when WoD was current, let alone 5 years later.

re character name: I love the NPC dialog: “Glad you made it, Forcripesake.” etc. LOL.
It’s easier to cage the Garns, because they can take a hit better - and you can sometimes get the Garn mount if momma garn is there. I have to strip down to nothing (picture a buff DH running around in his undies) to not kill them before they make it to the trap. Glaive throw and empty handed melee does the trick.