Any casual SoM guilds forming?

Looking to play SoM for a fresh start, but seems mostly raid guilds. Any SoM guilds more casual friendly? Not super set on timezone or faction, but I am on west coast.


We’re probably going to go pretty hard with our Tue/Wed core raid group, but as a guild are very open to levelers, casuals, and always like having people around to fill spots for our alt raids, if you’re interested :slight_smile:

OK thanks, will check it out. BTW, discord link says invalid or expired

Just updated. Thanks!

I would also like to check it out

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I have been looking throughout multiple discords and have not seen much for casual guilds. The last “casual” guild post I saw was recruiting for their second SoM raid team :smiley: I am hoping that we will see some develop once we are in game.