Morning, Stormrage!
It’s been a while since I’ve been part of an active guild, and I’m hoping to join a non-sweaty casual raiding guild. Due to work and kids, I’m on mostly for a bit in the evenings, with a bit more time on (most) Friday nights. I’ve been playing since the tail-end of Vanilla, and have most classes at max level, and am able to play at a decent level most of them.
Really hoping to get back into the raiding scene and start hanging with a group of chill people rather than just running everything solo like I have been the last 2-3 expacs!
Hey Handani!
I am the GM of Ravenheim on Stormrage. We are currently building a second raid team that is on Sundays from 8-10p est (server time). This is our Team Sword Raid. Its a normal/heroic focused raid thats end goal is to get AOTC. We’re recruiting all roles for the raid team.
My discord is Boundless828
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Hi Handani!
I am an officer in the guild Woven Fate.
We are a social guild that does mythic dungeons, raiding and other activities such as achievement runs and farming! We also have a lot of events weekly, and an active discord! A lot of us like to hang out and chat while we play.
If you are interested, give me a shout:
Discord: edonn3lly104
Bnet: edonnelly104#1749
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Hi Handani,
“The Ruthless” may be a good fit for you since we are an age 30+ guild, a Casual progressive N 6/8, and we are Social. Our raid days are Wed/Thurs. 7-10pm EST and we are on Stormrage. Guildies do M+ and delves together also. If you would like an invite either contact myself (online practically every day in the afternoon and sometimes early evenings) or one of our Co-GMs Anxietyburns or Lavernn. If none of us are online, then apply to our guild through guild-finder and we’ll get you in that way. Hope to have you join our family!