Any blood elf's here that don't like how evil the horde became

Man thats whack

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Not a blood elf here. But what’s interesting and fun to me is writing a morally good character responding to what she sees as corruption in her faction, and striving to change it from within. As well as challenging perceptions from without.


Perspective is a powerful thing. I doubt many Blood Elves have a deep and affectionate love for the orcs, but I do feel as though there’s a difference. Orcs attacked Quel’thalas during their invasion in the Second War. The forests suffered horribly for it, certainly. But Quel’thalas ultimately held firm. Indeed, Anasterian had hoped to stay out of that conflict entirely, until it came to his doorstep.

For the blood elves I’ve RPed in the past, at least, the evils of Garithos were worse. Orcs attacked and did a lot of damage, but at that point they’d never been anything BUT enemies. Elves and Humans, on the other hand, had a history of at least amicable neutrality, and at times overt friendship, ESPECIALLY centred around the city of Dalaran.

Now, the fact that Quel’thalas was all but destroyed by the Scourge is important here. 10% of the overall population survived. Half the Kingdom and even half the capital city STILL lie in absolute ruin, with simply not enough people to populate it. Up until the destruction of Deatholme in BC, the imminent threat of what was left of the Blood Elven population being destroyed was a very real one.

And yet, despite this, they dedicated the most elite of their forces to rejoin the Alliance and stand together against the Scourge threat, all the way down in Dalaran.

Their reward for this was attempted execution of EVERY BLOOD ELF WHO CAME TO HELP.

Perhaps it’s just me, but a stab in the back as vicious as that would annoy me more. The orcs were enemies from the get go. But the humans were friends - friends who ultimately turned their back in the most vile and heinous way possible.

In my book, attempted genocide is a reason to remain wary and distrustful. It could easily go both ways, and so I find the Void Elves decision to embrace the Alliance a quite sensible one as well - we see blood elves on Telogrus actively trying to join them. But I certainly wouldn’t begrudge blood elves anger over the Garithos incident. It really was an atrocity.

As for the trolls - when the Blood Elves joined the Horde, the only trolls in it were Darkspear. They never had any direct run ins with jungle trolls, so one could logically accept that they exist, albeit with a degree of distaste, no doubt. Later on, the Darkspear actively helped them against the Amani. Amani=/= Darkspear.

Now with the troll Empire… so long as it doesn’t bring about territorial disputes regarding Zul’aman, maybe that’ll work out too. I guess that one remains to be seen - but there certainly don’t seem to be a great many forest trolls left.


On a personal level, I love flawed and selfish perspectives in RP. For an orc, that line of reasoning makes sense. They feel wronged by the humans. They’re not necessarily thinking about how they’ve wronged others as well. Bias is real in real life, and likely is in the warcraft universe too. :stuck_out_tongue:

All that said though, yeah anyone with reason can probably deduce that the alliance actually did the merciful thing with the internment camps, and may actively wonder if the Horde would’ve done the same. I doubt it - extermination is still a bit of a thing.


Actually it’s kinda fun to play an Illidari, who doesn’t have the perspective of the Horde sending help and only knows the Horde as enemies, who only sees the Horde as an echo of the evils that sent them to Warden Jail as well.

Like everything Illidan did, Sylvanas has done significantly worse, and the Horde never seems to have half the consequences the Illidari did. If you’re playing an Illidari on the reform, who owns what Illidan did and is trying to be a better person, it’s both frustrating and disgusting to see that these are the people who stormed Black Temple and called YOU evil.


I must be blind cause I’m not seeing it. The naaru, and my suggestion of the leper are the only ones I see as it pertains to belves.

The rest is orcs and undead. To which belves seem indifferent,


Can we talk about the interment camps for a second? Because no one who brings them up as a gotcha ever recognizes/acknowledges that the alternative to the interment camps was just executing all the orcs that got captured.

Every orc that came through the portal was a soldier looking to conquer Azeroth and all the people in it for use as slaves/food sources/magic jubjubs.


To only briefly slide into a tangent, the demon hunter I concept-ed and never did much with I always treated as incredibly done with the entire deal.

You suffer and wade through a bunch of ambiguous morality then suddenly a group of punks that misunderstand your greater purpose kick you into some crystals and then by the time you get out you find out that everything you did was irrelevant because Azeroth trucked on and solved most of their problems regardless of you and like, what even is your point of existing anyways at that point since your contributions were meaningless.

So at that point he was just gonna party hard and maybe inevitably like, have some hard talks with some extremist folk who needed their perspectives grounded cause it turns out that destiny is a b!tch and nothing actually matters.

Nah, the point of bringing up the concentration camps is just that if we start treating dumb fantasy tropes as 1:1 real life events, nobody comes out without a black eye and the arguement just turns to mindless bickering about platitudes of pureness

But mindless bickering is the easiest form of forum activity to participate in so here we are

The mods either need to slack off on deleting non-warcraft related posts and allow us to breathe or crack down on this repetitive drivel so we stop wallowing in this tar pit



I still maintain that far fewer people would sympathize with the Horde if they weren’t playable.

Not that I don’t think that’s a natural way of framing things; people tend to want to see the good in their character and their allies. I just don’t see how, when you get down to it, the Horde is anything more than like, Advanced Gnolls.


Didn’t dalaran study the orcs and conclude they were hyped up on demon juice? Being lethargic was a symptom of withdrawal.

At that point what’s wrong with helping them start anew? Ship them off to kalimdor and be like “BYE!”.

Why are the only options enslavement or death?


Well yeah. The subtleties of characters are generally reserved for behind the scenes interactions, which you dont get when the narrative isnt showing them.

If you couldnt play forsaken you wouldnt see the struggle behind their appearances. The desperation to hold together a life and culture against the threat of complete extinction. Etc etc


That’s also a good way of framing demon hunters. Destiny becomes meaningless, the things Illidan promised didn’t matter, and morality is a crapshoot.

But it is worth bringing up Illidari relations to the Horde because realistically they would be different. You could argue that the sin’dorei at least have positive relations with some of the Horde due to backstory issues, Garrosh aside. The Forsaken lent their aid whole-heartedly, the trolls helped them against the Amani, and the nightborne are kindred spirits. But the Illidari don’t have that. They’d reasonably not even have the same attachment to their own people, who have significantly changed since the blood elves first aligned with Illidan.

Kai here doesn’t believe Silvermoon has a place for her anymore, and she doesn’t really care to be in the city due to bad associations. And she’s a follower of Altruis the Sufferer, so she’s very much of the mind that actions should have consequences and atonement is important. So this entire expansion pack has just been her eating chips and booing loudly at both factions.


Kind of hopping back to the Naaru. M’uru’s enslavement was a move to try and save the magic-addicted elves. Survival driven desperation combined with resentment towards the Light made some decide it’s ok to just take what they needed. It now adds another layer to the “what would you do to save your people” plot lines that abound in WoW. I would not say it shows that the Blood Elves condone slavery all around, but it does show how far they are willing to go to survive.


This thread is my favorite thread on the forums. Where else do you get people in the same post outraged about slavery and excusing it the next


im commander greyah and this is my favorite forum on the citadel

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Orgrimmar General chat. Heyo!

I dunno. A faction of perpetually-outraged people pissed off at their own lives and taking it out on people who aren’t giving them enough attention for their liking seems to be pretty common in today’s cultural space.

I mean…aren’t you saying the Blood Elves do condone slavery if it benefits them?

and then sent them to superhell with everyone else.