Any "addon" for the mission table?


So I have a good number of alts that have never touched the Covenant mission table.

Is there any addon I can download that just “does it for me” and automatically assigns my fresh/level 1 followers to the correct missions?

Ideally it would make my followers always win their mission, or at least have a positive win-rate.

I don’t know if there is one that does it for you, but I use CovenantMissionHelper which lets you just slap a few followers in, add in some of the other non-follower helpers, and it gives you an expected success/fail statement with an Optimize button which shuffles things around to get the most of their individual buffs. Makes it easy to throw some things in and do it quickly without thinking too much.


Venture Plan

It basically automates it for you. You do have to go find it though, since it’s not on Curseforge

edit* or Annastasi will be nice and do it for you lol

edit2* disregard I’m a moron



AJour can download addons from TownlongYak :+1:


Actually wowup has been able to download and update venture plan for some time now.


Ventureplan is a little clunky but it automates enough of the stupid design away to make it an upgrade overall.

Can it? I don’t see it on there.


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I use two different addons for the mission table. Covenant mission manager and Venture plan. Both can be gotten on

Oh lord it’s on my damn installed list already. Wowup must have found it on its own.

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I don’t use it so I don’t know, I had it installed for like 5 minutes and got rid of it.

Somewhat related question: at what point do my followers start unlocking farmable augment runes from the mission table?

Like I said, I haven’t touched the mission table on alts, so I honestly don’t rememeber when I started getting augment runes on my main.

My augment runes quests are around 37 and are silver elite. So you would have to unlock about half way through the table. You have to do 4 table story missions each tier and they don’t seem to refresh immediately once you’ve done one.

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Who needeth an addon when thy machine likely hath a perfectly functional calculator program?

Does that mean all my followers need to be lvl 37?

So for all these alts with a bunch of lvl 1 followers, about how much time will it take to get there (assuming I’m starting this week)?

Sadly it depends on your cov. Nightfae is still the most powerful table while Bastion has the weakest champions and followers. Necrolord seems to be at the place the game intends the tables to be at in terms of champ power and followers. Venthyr is still weaker, though not as bad as Bastion. You will want your champions a little overleveled for a 37 silver elite if you are Bastion. Nightfae you won’t need to worry and can probably start doing them as soon as you open the quests.

Your table mission levlers come at 12, 24, 36 and 48. there are 4 steps to complete before the level of your table raises to start offering higher ranked quests. You can start seeing 37s at the 24th level but they are rare. To get the most out of rune quests you’ll want to complete the 36 level main missions.

Once you start doing the main missions at 12, you will see quests with bonus experience missions. When you get those, send 5 champs out to soak up that exp. If you have the anima and there are no exp bonuses up, then you can suicide your champs on high exp level missions. Your champs will always get the exp even if you don’t get the reward. The down side to this is that you now have champs with no health and would have to wait for them to heal or spend anima to heal them (not recommended). But if you’re throwing them at the brick wall of high exp missions it doesn’t matter, just send them out again and get them leveled. Your followers will level with the average level of your table.

You have to succeed the table leveler missions though, the ones that award the token or you won’t get the next step. If you can dump anima into all three levels of your table to make missions go faster it’s better. Otherwise missions are more than 4 hours long. Its a time sink. It’s not going to go fast but you can get there in a couple weeks from 1.

Ah ha! Thank you Briselody. You’re amazing as usual.

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