Anxiety affecting daily life


Yeah my grandma is. A lot. She’s mostly the reason I ended up with borderline personality disorder. A lot of emotional neglect. Hm. Not sure if neglect is fitting. Nothing I felt mattered so my brain kinda broke for awhile.

Long story. I live with Mom now away from Grandma. Been a lovely 7ish years since I last saw Grandma and I still don’t intend on ever seeing her again. Not even her funeral once she finally leaves.

Edit: I’m not trying to make it seem like this is a misery contest or anything. Just nice to talk about it with folks that would understand


Ive always been taught to “man up.” Deal with it.

I have herbal medicine i take it which helps alleviate some of it but when i have panic attakcs it literally feels like im having a heart attack.

I have my days where its unbearable but. All i can do is breathe. Ive dealt with it for 10+ years. Gotten used to it.

Im sorry for what you’ve been through. Many of us have a dark side to share or to not share if we do not want to.

I refuse to waste anymore of this short life being hurt or upset by people. Trying to move on. I’ve watched interviews of people holding on to bad events in their life for decades. I will not be like them. What a waste of your life.

I know what you mean about the “contest”. When you say something and someone is like, “oh, me too” and it seems like some weird competition. I don’t think you’re being that way.

Usually I try to deal with the root of the problem that is causing me the worst worry. If it’s something for work I plow through it even though it sucks. Then I can deal with the less pressing issues better.

If this is happening when there is nothing actually going on though, I would talk to your doctor at least and see what they think. Maybe a referral to a psychologist. I wouldn’t jump to meds immediately if you aren’t taking them already, but obviously that’s an option too.

Around 11 years ago I started getting severe anxiety attacks out of no where. At first I thought it was heart attacks, but went and had my stuff looked at and the hospital told me I was just having anxiety.

They offered to put me on medication, but I don’t like the idea of relying on medication if I don’t need to so I elected to try and just deal with them. Then it occured to me, while those attacks were miserable it was about the same as smoking too much–your insides feel lile a fire alarm going off but you know if you eat a sandwich and watch TV for 30-60 minutes you’ll be fine.

So when I had anxiety attacks I started occupying myself with calm, but engaging activity (I’d sit down and play a game, or start drawing something) and within 15-30 minutes 90% of it would be over. Gradually after doing this for a few months and treating them like no big deal they went away entirely.

Yeah I didn’t wanna make it seem like “OH I HAD IT WORSE THAN YOU”

Just that I understand. Sometimes just saying “I understand” doesn’t sound genuine. If that makes sense

Op,check you r dr. it may not be anxiety it could be a medical condition .My sis had a bad case of it,not trying to scare you but she found out she developed cancer and a pretty rare form of it.

there are good medications for anxiety - not that big of a deal if that’s your only issue.

it gets problematic if it comes with severe depression and stuff like that tho.

I hear you.

I write “I understand” fairly often.

To me, if myself or someone else is taking the time to be there for you and listen to you vent, you should check yourself if you’re triggered by “I understand”. Ya know?

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While I agree to get a physical checkup, anxiety is a medical condition as well. It could be a physical medical condition though I agree.

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It is the body is always relative if one is messed up it would show in another fashion in the whole.

Yeah, I just wanted to post because sometimes people believe that it is not something that can be seen (cancer, broken bone, etc) then it isn’t real.

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Anxiety, depression, anger management, and other issues are often intertwined and you really need a trained, objective, person to help you work through those issues and using your friends/family as a free therapist can quickly burn the relationship because they don’t have the objectivity or strength to help you while also dealing with their own life issues.

Unfortunately, not every therapist is the same. They all have different backgrounds and rely on different “tools” to help people and its not uncommon for one therapist to be completely unable to understand you and/or have the wrong tools for you and you shouldn’t feel any guilt to stop seeing one and finding another. Sometimes you have to kiss a lot of therapist frogs to find your therapist prince.


I live with crushing anxiety. PTSD, Major Depression, Agoraphobia, Borderline Personality Disorder, Anxiety pretty much put a strong, high fence around my entire life.

I’ve been self-isolating since my discharge from the USAF in 1983.

I have managed to work (usually 3rd shift, away from people) for part of that time.

I was married twice, disastrously, and I have five children - none of whom I’m in contact with (I was very, very difficult to be around during their childhood).

I’ve been in continuous individual therapy at the VA since 2013 (after a suicide attempt that left me hospitalized for three weeks and because of which I haven’t had a solid bowel movement since).

WoW is my primary socialization activity. Toxic or not, ephemeral or not, the interactions I have with people on the forums and in-game are just about the only ones I voluntarily participate in.

I have a VA MHICM (Mental Health Intensive Case Management) nurse who visits me twice a week to a) take me on “socialization outings” to observe me dealing with people and coach me through rough patches and b) make sure I’m caring for myself.

I have an emotional support animal (a rescue cat named “Cthulhu” - I figured it would keep me humble to be the human to one of the “Old Ones” in cat form). That has actually gotten me off the “makes me really stupid” anxiety meds I was on before. I’m on Buspar now, which isn’t great for acute anxiety attacks, but keeps the low-boil anxiety that was always with me before under control just fine.

Talk therapy works pretty well, but you’ll likely need pharmaceutical support. Get advice for the specifics of that from your doctor, not the WoW forums, though.

Kaldara#11970 if you ever need to talk to someone. I can get you access to my Discord channel and at need you can ping me any time. I have it set to notify me on my phone.

Good luck.


Dudeism advocates and encourages the practice of “going with the flow”, “being cool headed”, and “taking it easy” in the face of life’s difficulties, believing that this is the only way to live in harmony with our inner nature and the challenges of interacting with other people. It also aims to assuage feelings of inadequacy that arise in societies which place a heavy emphasis on achievement and personal fortune. Consequently, simple everyday pleasures like bathing, bowling, and hanging out with friends are seen as far preferable to the accumulation of wealth and the spending of money as a means to achieve happiness and spiritual fulfillment. As the Dude himself says in the movie: “the dude abides”, which essentially just means to keep existing.

  • Moo!

The sad part of it even medical staff don’t believe you at times, bro had a stoke the conditions were right there,they said because he was a mental patient ,“I was all in your head and we don’t treat that here” he whine up in Icu and not waking up til two days later not remembering how he got there.

So please, check with a real doctor.

I am a licensed Dudeist priest. I did it as a sort of internal joke at the time, but I take it seriously enough that it’s on the cards I give folks I want to have my contact information IRL (not as many as I thought there’d be when I ordered them).

I spend a lot of time trying to master “let it go” by channeling ‘The Dude’ in my head.

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Check out Kratom @OP
Helps a lot with my daily stress and relaxes me

just blaze and get paranoid about everything until realize you’re just high and everything is fine. lolol

Man that’s heavy.

Do you not grieve not talking or being involved with your children?

I’d do anything to understand why my kids do not want to talk to me vs my mom who just mostly ignores.

You seem pretty cool and have been though a lot.

Op, obviously talking to a doctor and meds is the most important step but self care for yourself is just as important, imo.

gardening also helps me. It’s rewarding to watch your plants grow and something therapeutic about watering them and picking weeds that grow around.