I know it doesn’t seem like it from your POV, but everything you’re feeling is rather normal for your age. I was exactly where you are now, as we’re just about everyone I’ve ever known.
19 was the worst. My twenties felt only slightly better, but it wasn’t until I turned 30 that I felt… emotionally liberated and would never want to go through my twenties again.
In my twenties I not only thought I knew waaaay more than I did, but I felt pressure (completely nonexistent) to know everything. (Which, looking back on was simply ridiculous, but I think it’s an age thing.)
When I turned 30, (after an hour of being completely depressed and sobbing my face off), I realized comparatively speaking, in relation to all the knowledge in the universe, I knew f-all, but that was FINE because I knew how to find the info if I needed it. (This was before the internet.) And it was such a great feeling to realize I didn’t need to walk around as the Font Of All Knowledge.
I know this may not make sense, but try to give yourself a break. Being on this planet for even 30 years isn’t much time at all.
If you’re unsure of what you want to major in, and are applying to schools that require you to declare a major on your application, pick something that they may have fewer applicants for (which might increase your chances of acceptance), and you won’t hate while you’re deciding what you’d really like to study. There’s no hard and fast rule that says you can’t change your major when you find what inspires you and makes your heart sing!
It worked for me. I don’t use meds anymore. One day I just got sick of it. Forced my self to do thing I hated. Eventually I got desensitised and now things are a lot better.
There is also online Betterhelp I think it’s called, my neighbor switched to it, you get therapy, diagnosed, and prescriptions sent in for you and I believe it’s much more affordable. you just talk to the therapist online, I’m not sure how the appt’s are done. but she seems happy with it.
What is anxiety then? I’m ashamed to say even though I’ve been working in a pharmacy I still can’t quite grasp the concept of it.
My understanding has always been it’s basically being worried/anticipation for the future. Taking Prozac (Brand Name) / Fluoxetine (Generic Brand) will indeed help, but at the same time it’s knowing what is causing the feeling of being worried and addressing it.
On the other hand calling it similar to worry is troublesome as “worrying” is usually temporary, so it’s always been a tough concept for me to grasp of “What exactly am I permanently worried for/about? Is it something I can tackle and solve? Or is it the way I’m thinking about an issue and making it seem bigger than it is?”
Overall advice to OP, speak with your doctor and see what he recommends, ideally I always push for the non drug route. Also speaking with family and close friends about what makes you anxious may give you new insight and help reduce the feeling.
The easiest way to explain is, if you know a specific trigger point, it’s not anxiety. It’s not being fine 99% of the time but being anxious about flying, or heights, or… you get the idea. It’s activation of the fight or flight response without the existence of something to fight or flee from. Does that make sense?
I’m copying off of some others here but it works for me.
First to be honest my anxiety I think is pretty much “common” and not a severe case , I do know people that have severe anxiety to the point they can’t function at times they see a doctor regularly and are on meds. My anxiety now is high for me because a lot of crap happening in my life so that’s where I learned the stuff below that helps, normally though it’s not this bad for me.
Exercise. It’s something I need to do more of anyway (And I’m trying) but a good workout does wonders for my anxiety.
Keeping busy. I clean my place. You’d be surprised how long you can be occupied if you go OCD mode on cleaning.
Visiting familiar people that don’t add to your anxiety…friends and family. Probably not the time to hang with a new group of people if you have a lot of anxiety but of course you have to gauge that. I just know for a lot of folks with anxiety issues new relationships really add to that anxiety. Established ones are like an old blanket.
Read. I really enjoy reading. If you hate reading this is out but I focus with getting immersed into a book. I can read for hours if the book grabs me.
You first need to find out what is the cause and why you are having anxiety.
A doctor can help with that or you can be honest with yourself and understand where it stems from.
----Anyone telling you to hop on drugs SHOULD BE BANNED FROM HERE--------
People on this forum can’t help you and just so you know:
I have PTSD and ADHD. Can’t say I like the fact that half of this thread are people telling you to get on hard medications and cheering about drug usage making them feel better.
Especially because kids are reading this and that is exactly why there is a opioid crisis and steroid problem in America. I have a nephew addicted to these drugs and guess what…he’s worse than before off of them and not even 18 yet.
I don’t subscribe to any of the “anxiety and depression caused me to be violent” unless you have a severe mental handicap equipped with those.
Seems to be a running theme and excuse for the most violent crimes happening in America.
When I had my first panic attack this year I thought I was dying and it was a heart attack. I was like, “great, I’ve smoked too long and I’m crockin’ out.”
What triggered mine was my lame mother.
I was so upset for a week or so I’d have another I kept getting a dull pain around my heart and had a hard time sleeping.
What helped me get my mind off of it was keeping a steady pace walking through the house listening to calming music. It would start again when I stopped walking 🫠 also, swimming.
I got put on escitalopram. I want to say it helped.
Make fun of myself, prob a “me” thing to be diagnosed with anxiety. I’m not taking the pills now bc I’m not anxious about hardly anything but was about my mom and worried I’d go through another panic attack during that time.
Op, it sounds like you have lots of good info and advice. Talk to people you trust. Besides meds talking is so important imo. It’s so nice to have someone to vent to when you need it. I try to be there for others but not ones that go off daily about some random new chick they talk to and that drama. Sorry, random, I know.
She ugh I have no words. I could write an essay on her. Didn’t call for my daughters birthday and it triggered it. I cannot fathom being so uninvolved.