Antoran Still Unlocked

First off I would like to say having to do a few hour questline just to unlock a raid from like 4 expansions go is a lil ridiculous. It would be nice to just do it on one character and then you can access it across your account but whatever.

I’m still not able to get into the Antoran Throne raid. I read the Wowhead guide and I’ve done everything – I got the ‘You Are Now Prepared’ achievement, I got the Crown of the Triumvirate, did the stuff with Alleria, I even remember talking to Grand Artificer Romuul and clicking something that made him say “Fire!” above Antoran Wastes… about 4 hours or so…

And now I’m here, on the path to Antoran Throne, and there’s still an invisible wall blocking me from going up the path. What else am I supposed to do? What am I missing? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated X__X. I just want the armor sets and Shacked Ur’zul mount so bad.

I never heard of any invisible wall blocking the entrance.

AFAIK, if you can get to Antoran Wastes, you can just enter. Grinding your way there is the annoying bit.

I hate to ask, but are you sure you’re at the right place?

Archmage Timear in front of Violent Hold should also send you to the LFR version


I was not in the right area… Thank you very much

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