Antique Bronze Bullions. Cost verus Accessibility

Evening, Sylvanas Fans.

The introduction of the Antique Bronze Bullions has left many of us with questions. There are those that will be learned as time passes. Others that will drive us insane.

Currently the acquistion rate for Bullions is one per week, per character. Each character must be level 70, adequate ilevel to either LFR or raid.
The option to earn more than one Bullion is available if you were to miss a week. +1

There have been reports of people getting x2 Bullions for a single boss kill. If this is true, I’d love to think that this amount could stack much higher for future weeks. (week 10, say 5 drop?)

For many, collecting has become a healthy pasttime to carry into the future. When those of us that attempt, desire, care to collect all items from the vendor(s) introduced with Bullion. We have a problem.

Lets Math this out a bit.

According to my ATT Source.
Mirioszin, the npc. Offers 232 Source Id collectables. Each of them costing 1 Bullion.

These are listed as:
-Crucible Raider / Dream Raider / Vault Raider with 3 versions for each.

Iszy, Iszinormi (drake), Iszonormi (older drake?) - Each offer 20 / 22 / 22 items for x2 Bullion each.
These items are ilevel 493 current progression gear. Weapons, Trinkets.

Since I don’t believe it’s intended for players to be able to quickly purchase all current gear / boost alts. Lets pretend it’s just the Transmog Bullion vendor.

Let’s assume the end of August is the expansion.
For good measure we’ll say 16 weeks is the amount of time we have to collect Bullion.

232 Bullion divded by 16 = 14.5

We’ll need at the base minimum 15 Unique characters at level 70 + geared enough to do content. If those catch up mechanics are so pristine, it makes all of us giggle. That removes a lot of the angst. That’s one character raiding, for 16 weeks straight. (OR) the better play is to wait for 6-10 weeks+ then do a raid or two. Use that catch up mechanic.

Is all this intended?

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I’m a little bit confused by this post, I don’t think Bullions are really intended to be used as a primary way of collecting transmog. The transmog vendor is there for people who will get everything they want power progression wise and now can use their bullions for something rather than them going to complete waste. I think the intention is that you pick one or two specific weapon mogs or something to complete a look once you’re finished with collecting actual pieces of gear.


The npc Mirioszin only offers transmog. Non physical gear items. 232 of them. Each costing one Bullion.
There are in fact far more items available for Bullions that are transmog than actual gear upgrades.

I could be wrong, but I don’t think that has to do with Valrysha’s point.

Bullion for most people is going to be used for power, and that seems to be Blizzard’s intent from what I’ve read and seen. For people who have obtained everything they want for actual gear, there are transmogs and mounts and things to spend your extra bullion on.

It’s irrelevant if there are more transmog items than actual combat gear items.

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The mog part of Bullions is just to avoid having to farm them out in future if you have no need to use them for power, this post doesn’t make sense to me because it’s literally just bonus accessibility to mog that would otherwise get farmed out later like all raids?

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The items off Muzioszar are not shared appearances with normal raid gear. Either off the vendor in the Bullion area or the actual raids.
They are independant SourceIDs. I have a good portion of all LFR and normal offset and tier pieces for all classes. I dont have any of the Bullion items.

What I am saying, is for those that would like to collect all the appearances available there. Its just isnt likely or practical for even the top 5 uber collectors in the game.

Let alone 1000s of others.

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I never thought of this as an intended way to collect every single appearance. If people want to do that, it’s certainly up to them, but it doesn’t feel like that was Blizzard’s intent with this system (at least to me). It seems more of just a way to burn excess bullion on a character that doesn’t need any other gear.

Maybe Blizzard will clarify though.

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Having the same currency for gear and cosmetic always seemed a bit weird for me. It does seem intended to want to use alts to do this currently moreover when catchup is so strong you’ll be able to get a lot of stuff by the end. Not really a fan of systems that incentive people to wait and where your main can’t really participate as you want to gear him the most.

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I think trying to get every sourceid transmog is a folly in of itself and kind of asking to go insane if one tries to get all of them. If a player has the transmog of the appearance then that should be enough. Even among collectors, which I think we are a fairly niche group, people that go after every sourceid is a niche within a niche.

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Regardless of how many people agree with collecting sourceIDs. There is a community built around doing so.
I am here in part to represent those interests.