Antique Bronze Bullion droprate and the amount

Hey question did they change the droprate and the amount how many you get per boss?
i swear in week 2 i could run lfr with my alts and get instant 2 coins. now i run a lfr with my dh and only gete 1 if im lucky. why not instant 3. wtf is this change?

can someone confirm this change? and btw its an awful change :rofl: playing lfr wings over and over and over for the coins. but i guess they like those raids and want to fill the queus somehow because no one plays s4.

You get one a week, it’s an RNG drop, there is catch up if you miss weeks.

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last week on my mage and monk i got 2 form 1 boss. because i didnt run lfr in week 1.

Correct. Because last week was week 2, so you got 2 as catch up.

To clarify, there is a max total you can gain which is 1 per week.

If you did nothing on week 1, you could get 2 (and these can be from 1 boss, or just 1 from 1 boss)

But when you are fully caught up, you will not have more or less than anyone else.

and why i dont get all 3 on a new char. i dont want to run all wings to catch up :see_no_evil:
im not sure if you understand they dropped all at the same time. if you are behind but in week3 with a nee char i only get 1 not 2 or 3

A better way to think of it is you have a total season cap on how many you can get. Each week they increase that cap by 1. You can get, via catchup mechanic, extra drops up to the current season cap in any week. Your neither guaranteed you will get a drop or your catch up drops in a full clear in LFR. People have reported going a full LFR and part of a Normal before getting 1 drop.

Beyond this there has been things like this week’s weekly quest where the ones you get from the quest are supposed to be above and beyond the cap. Many reported if you turned in the quest first you would not get the drops from the raid.

It will be interesting to see if next week if everyone who got the quest drops, fail to get the drop in raids again. As a funciton of the seasonal cap.

RNG gonna RNG, I suppose. All the wings get you Vault tokens for sockets.

I have one character that has only gotten one of these, ever. I cleared the raid last week on LFR with her, but still only one. Just ran two more fated bosses, and nothing. There is RNG, and then there is what-the-heck-this-toon-is-busted.

Honestly, I don’t understand why it isn’t a weekly quest you pickup. Kill 3 raid bosses in any difficulty get your bullion. Make it repeatable as a quest as the catchup mechanic and have it only offered if haven’t met the seasonal cap.

Does the catchup mechanics work for the quest this week if we miss it on an alt?

3 weeks before TWW go run LFR on all your alts and get the transmogs easily. GG.

I don’t think so. You miss out if you don’t play this week.

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Dang :confused: Rip I’m out of town till monday. I’ll have to get my item lvl up on my forgotten alts for the mogs though.

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Hopefully you can squeeze in 4 M0’s

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Probably just do that and forget the one from raid and just get the double bullion the following week.

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Solid plan. Good luck! <3

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Thanks hahaha i just gotta try and do it on several alts and my main before the server shutdown lol. Dang real life work lol