Still looking for 2 ranged DPS and a flex healer!
bump. refresh
bump back to the top
Still looking for a few more to fill out the roster in prep for 10.1
Bump, almost there
Bump, still looking
Horde and Alliance welcome!
bump still looking for a few more!
bump, getting ready for next week!
In need of an Arms warrior that off specs prot? Do you have ilvl requirements set for the new riad?
Any dps is welcome. As for ilvl I think a good start is about 400 since normal is dropping 415. That being said we do plan on running so stuff up till raid night to get anyone who needs it caught up. LFR 1st wing is out too next week.
Just saw you have a post, hit me up on discord I am around all day.
Looking for 1 more DPS and a flex healer
bump, refresh
Bump, refresh
Bump, looking for a flex healer!
Still looking for 1 flex healer
Starting Thursday!
Just added your disco
Bump back to the top
Raid starting tonight!