Anticipating Classic Interest Falloff?

It wouldn’t be bad or wrong if Blizz limited the number of realms running Classic in anticipation of interest dropping off quickly. It creates a bottleneck here at the start and may speed up the falloff but it saves resources in the present and long run.

We players forget how the real world impacts design and development decisions about the game. It is not, after all, a public utility.


Your name is very fit!:rofl:


That’s why the number of servers are limited currently. Everyone knows there is going to be a drop off but I’m sure Blizzard is trying to guesstimate what that number is going to be.


I don’t think classic was designed for today’s generation of instant-gratification addicted playerbase.

They’ll demand creature comforts available in retail and chastised by the #nochanges simpletons.

Classic was more immersion based. A real role playing game.

People made fun of me at the start of BfA because, in lieu of leveling like a maniac, I was reading the quests and immersing myself in the world.

That’s today’s playerbase; consume content in an unsustainable way and complain about time-gating, pathfinder and grinding rep while demanding more content.


Yep. All of that…yep

Since I can’t play right now due to being at work, I’m enjoying reading the meltdown on the other forum whenever I’m on break. From the way I read things on Blizzard announcements, they were more focused on long-term sustainability of the product instead of the launch glut, so I anticipated what’s happening today.

I would hope though that whatever numbers of servers Blizzard ends up adding remains at least medium in the long term. (By long term, I mean by the time phase 2 and 3 launches.)


They under estimated demand. They’re underestimating stable pops too


1 week. The masses will get tired of fighting for tags.


a few months or so, after that it’ll have people that do sign off, to just go back to play once in a bit while retail has lulls.

It will drop by around 50% within two weeks. By the new year, it will be down to around 25% left, which is plenty enough to sustain just fine.

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I’ve played most xpacs as well as vanilla and I can defiantly see it lasting at least 2-3 years. It all depends on what happens after final Vanilla phase. TBC was good, but I wonder if the playerbase actually wants that.

I suspect you guys will continue moving your goal posts


Vanilla had the least things to do at max level. Expect huge drop off from that as well.


I give it around 3-4 months before interest dies down. Though I’m happy for vanilla players and glad they get to go home, this is just coming from a realistic perspective. You can only say so many interesting things about vanilla. We all already know about all the systems, the lore, the gameplay, and whatnot. Sure there may be guides and funny moments posted, but ultimately it’s still something shiny in a very bleak time for retail. Even more so, it’s not a very “new” shiny.

Once the anniversary events hit, and especially Blizzcon, you can be certain that’ll be the new coverage for majority of the WoW playerbase. Even the big names like Asmongold knows he can’t stay in vanilla if he wishes to keep relevancy. Though he’s said for years how he’d leave retail for vanilla, he’ll likely create excuses to keep playing retail even if he hates it. Like majority of the people who disliked retail and find themselves coming back the moment new content hits.


You gotta be one stupid person to think they under estimated anything. They knew what they were doing. Sorry it didn’t fall in line with your blood elf female image of it all.

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They opened two new realms at 3:30 PDT (half an hour after launch). They opened five new realms at 5:20 PDT (about an hour and a half ago). That’s a literal scramble to open new servers due to demand. It’s time for you to stop lying to yourself.


Facts have no place in this discussion mister

You are more idiotic than I thought. Yeah… they are gonna open 20 servers and get none, but get consecutive servers and get something. Win-win here… Learn how the business words retardo.

Not even sure what you’re trying to say.

Not going to be a big drop off, in fact the game will grow throughout all the phases until the last, then it will dip.

Its funny how many people can’t see the forest behind the tree…

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