Anti-magic Zone, mage barrier and zephyr need to be removed

DPS or tank classes should not have AoE group wide damage reduction abilities - those should only exist for healers.

When multiple classes have group wide damage reduction cool-downs, it almost becomes a necessity to bring those classes or the group cannot survive the key.

Zephyr is fine to stay as long as it is only for Preservation Evoker (the healer).

I know alot of DKs who are going to say no. I agree with them.

Yea op speaks the truth tho, at high keys, there is no way the group will survive without rotating such CDs.

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Yeah zephyr plus AMZ this season are really overpowered for surviving many higher keys.

We have arrived at the point where some keys cannot be timed/survived without them.

That happens because there are way too many defensives in the game in general.

People think removing AMZ would be the solution, but it is not. You cant just look at defensives in a vacuum like that.

Every single class tree has multiple passive defensives (ie "magic damage taken reduced by x%, stamina increased by x%, etc) and on top of that, every single hero tree also has at least 1 passive defensive node (some being stronger than others).

Then we move on to discussing the fact every single spec has 3-4+ active defensive personals (not counting group wide stuff, just personal stuff) which is insane. So now when you combine all of those things together, players are practically unkillable unless tuning is so high that damage is unsurvivable without specific group wide cooldowns, and it also results heavily in spiky damage patterns that people seem to dislike heavily.

It wasnt like this in the past because it was recent. DF trees gave classes a lot more defensive options (which is when the major spiky damage patterns started, no coincidence), and then TWW made that even worse with Hero trees which was called out the entire beta cycle by PvErs and PvPers alike because we knew it would result in this kind of play. It has to be insanely difficult if not near impossible to tune properly around so many personals and passive defensives, we need a prune there most likely.

I agree with the basic concept that DPS need to lose defensives and healers need to gain more externals.

This doesn’t go quite far enough, and only serves to nerf certain specs. I think it should be as part of a much wider effort to consolidate responsibility for living through unavoidable damage onto the healer.

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