Anti-Healing mechanics for Mages

We’ve all seen it.
We spec for Glacial Spike.
Go to PvP.
Manage to get the 5 icicle’s up.
Maybe even have out maximum +DMG buffs ready.
Target some Enemy that MAGICALLY stays within range.
Manage NOT to be interrupted , or have something up that prevents interruption.
Cast the long 2.+ second spell.
And then the health bar on the enemy goes down MAYBE 10%.
LOL, maybe my eye.
Then, nearly 1 second later.
The enemy is healed back to full health, like nothing happened, and the stun is removed.

Its been this way since conception.
And I’m not referring to Glacial Spike, for all mage abilities.

What mages really need in PvP…

  • If we can not get the DMG we really should have.
  • Or better yet, a range FAR greater than 40 yards. Like 120 yards.
    Is that we should get mechanics that PREVENT healing.

Frost should point blank prevent any healing while a Chill is in effect.

  • Freezing should prevent healing for a duration like 30 seconds.

For Fire, healing should refresh any DoT, and let them STACK.

  • Duration for stacking should be 30 seconds.

For Arcane, healing should have a cumulative chance to EXPLODE, damaging the healer and otherwise preventing the heals from happening.

  • Each Arc-DMG spell should increment the chance by 25%+ for a long duration like 30 seconds.

The premise is, healers will have to spend time debuffing, rather than healing.

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