Anti-bot Player quits due to irl threats to family. Blizzard please

So Madskillzzhc, known for using creative use of gameplay to lead hundreds of bots to their own death, just dropped his last video. His reason being that the botters have been so decimated by his one-man, no pay, dedication to end botting on HC, that they’ve taken it to irl death threats to himself and his family.

Blizzard needs to step in and take action. This is a subject in which i’m sure 99% of players support Madskillzzhc actions and to see a bunch of cheaters take it to this level irl, something needs to be done. If Blizzard took an hour out of their day to look into this and come up with a resolution to satisfy Madskillzzhc, i think Blizzard would gain HUGE respect from the HC community. We can’t just let the botters win. IRL threats cross the line. Please Blizzard, do something right, and public about this to let them know it’s not okay. Let us know you care more about the players than the bots.

(source: )

(also more input on the botting problem from video today by wow celebrity Solheim: )


This is now a call to the entire playerbase to hunt down bots even more. Madskillzzhc may have to step down, for the security of his own family; and that’s respectable. No video game is worth letting your family get hurt. His impact matters. I’m going to continue to level my mage to 60, so I have a source of income. Then make a hunter, and continue his legacy. The bot mafia’s threats won’t matter to me. I don’t have any IRL family or friends for them to threaten. I originally just wanted to help everyone on Doomhowl. But, now I have a target. Bots. To kill their characters. It’s going to take time to be in a position to do what Madskillzz did. I’ve never played a hunter, and must learn how to play it. The bot mafia can target me all they want.

Madskillzz, your efforts are not in vain. You will be avenged.


I too have a Hunter - bots live a dangeous life on the Era HC as well :wink:

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Are you playing on Doomhowl? I will need to learn how hunters work, and may have questions on how to kill bots. This is now my entire life purpose.


Sorry, I’m EU based … and I have to learn as well. I never did any PvP In my entire life :wink:
We’ll just have to Google “How to kill a bot in HC” :smiley:

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Botting has ruined the game. IO have played WoW since release. My son has my original account. I recently got into HC because I wanted the challenge. I got one to 57 its full rest very ez to get it to 60. So, I wanted to go to the brand-new servers where everything is fresh. Within a few days you could be boosted to 60 for like 50 bucks, can buy 60k gold. This isn’t HC it’s a joke Really no one botting is hurting anyone, let’s be real someone who runs scripts in some 3rd world country to make a few Americans dollars isn’t some jacked stud. Zero threat to anyone. The real issue is the game at this point has more bots than real players. Eventually this will lead to the end of WoW. It was good while it lasted but nothing has meaning in the game anymore as even full best in slot raid gear can just be payed for.