It’s officially 12:00 am December 25th, 2024 for all of the U.S.A. (Hawaii being the last timezone to hit midnight) The Anti-Bot Legion has officially begun. It’s our mission to eliminate the bots from our game. We will start with Doomhowl, and eventually work our way into the other hardcore servers; and other regions such as Europe. This is the beginning, and things are likely to change later, to better fit the narrative. But, the goal will always be: Eliminate the bots.
How does this work? Using Discord as our central base of operations, we will seek out and destroy the bots. We will only take action if we can 100% confirm a bot has been spotted. Video evidence of said bot will be posted in the appropriate channels, and reviewed before the hunters seek out and destroy them. If there’s ANY doubt at all that said target is a player, we will not engage the target. Bare in mind, this will take time to get started. I, myself only have a level 35 mage on Doomhowl.
Hunter: Seeks out, and destroys confirmed bots. Only go after 100% confirmed targets.
Scout: Actively seeks out new bot targets. Scouts the world, records & posts video evidence of targets.
Informant: Follows up on Scout potential targets. Seeks out targets and posts further evidence of suspected bots. Confirms a target is a bot or not.
Reviewer: Reviews potential target evidence and confirms if target is a bot. Reviews bot killing videos for misconduct.
Supplier: Provides gold, bags, gear, potions, boosts, quest help, ect. Main focus is to help get new hunters up and running.
Blizzard is doing something. But, it’s not enough. This is a player problem. Players buy gold; so botters and RMT will exist. And, the players are going to be the solution. If you have any questions, concerns, comments, ect. please post them. I will do my best to address them all. Please, be patient though. I’m not a bot, and will not be able to respond instantly
This is a big undertaking. It will require the community to help make this dream a reality. If you wish to join and help in any capacity, please join us on Discord. From hunters, to scouts, to video reviewers, and suppliers. Every one of you will make the difference in this movement. Even if you don’t join us, on Discord, you’re free to contact myself or others to help us identify bots.
discord gg/WuvydqVhWN