Another WoW Killer Falls. And One Overtakes WoW with Good Game Design And Thoughtful Developers

I searched “new world sucks” 2 different results were:

“New World kinda sucks”
“New World kind of sucks”

Lol we got both options covered. Good job, internet.

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Uh, it’s already eclipsed WoW, sorry.


This is false, Ruin Gaming was totally psyched about it!

Too bad FF focus is on story. If they switch to instanced content focus they may actually compete with wow :open_mouth:


I think they mean peak wow numbers and I doubt any MMO will ever go over 12m subs

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I did. It sucks.


keep sucking down that extra strength copium, its already passed worlo


I couldn’t get into games like New World because in open-world MMORPGs with a complicated crafting system like theirs I always feel behind regardless of what I do.

Then people talk down to me like I’m an idiot for not knowing the encyclopedia of items I need to get the best stuff.

If I wanted to be insulted by a fanbase I’d play Dark Souls.

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Even with all of my various grievances that I have with WoW, some that I share with others and some that are just my own, I’ll say that I don’t believe there will ever be a WoW killer.

No other developer is or ever will be capable of offering a suitable alternative to what players can experience in World of Warcraft where the best game developers on Earth have continuously worked for many, many years expanding, refining, and improving upon their product.

Love it or hate it or both, WoW is as good as it gets and the king will never be dethroned.

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No king rules 5ever


Keep in mind this is the second “iteration” of FFXIV, the first was an utter failure and the game was completely reworked. WoW may have entered into that phase.

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Tried FF , played for a few months , have uninstalled it .

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It’s mogs were lacking really.

Hate to sound purile but….it needed to show some skin.

ESO has more feminine outfits in store even. Tasteful but yeah…showed some feminity at the same time.

First mmo I played man or woman didn’t matter. Kind of looked the same all.


They ruined the gearing system, so I don’t have high hopes for this new expansion. I hope I’m wrong, though.

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Man someone better check in on all those posters repping it a couple months ago.

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I loved swtor, if it began to gain some traction I would give it a shot.


I’ve tried ffxiv multiple times and the story is so bland. I remember a quest line where some guys made me bring them wine and cheese. I don’t mind doing dumb stuff in MMOs, but everyone acts like the story of ffxiv is a masterpiece.


All the people hyping ffxiv seem to forget it came out so busted they killed it to remake it.


And it panned out for them. Lesson for wow there. As it’s now expac 3 of systems. Systems not liked. Systems that create balance issues. And systems that grow in number.


Who has forgotten that? It’s one of the things that’s really cool about the game. It’s something that WoW is getting close to really needing to do.

Final Fantasy is cool because they’ve never tried to compete with WoW. They just quietly did their own thing, and now that people are really leaving WoW en masse, they’re checking it out and seeing how great of a game it is. I know, because I’m one of them. I regret not trying it out earlier.

It has definitely opened my eyes to how bad of a game WoW really is, and how bad of a developer Blizzard is.