Another tier feral is pushed to the side it seems?

I agree. When abilities like Trash and Swipe are generally doing LESS damage than your auto attacks, there is something wrong.

Feral tier set has been recently nerfed.

On top of that, Psy’s group gave him PI, Fae Guardians and other buffs and it was a coordinated group that only pulled around his Berserk cooldowns.

Are we discussing Single Target scenarios here? Outside of Thrash really only being used to proc Bloodtalons, Swipe > auto attack by a decent margin.

I saw that. Was a bit bummed about it but not surprised honestly.

Hopefully they compensate us elsewhere. They should have another 1 or 2 weeks left for tuning.

What are you on? Your thing got nerfed for only beyond 8 targets. Do you know literally how little that matters because most tanks and groups will never pull that many targets?

Maybe in your groups your tank pushes the limits but in the groups I’ve healed the tanks pulled no higher than 2 full packs, at most and that was only during 1 thing; DoS or something with everyone having CDs and hero up, no other times.

It matters greatly when delving into higher keys +23’s or more lolz idk if you’re into 10s or 15s

Sick burn.

Especially with lolz added.

No, it only matters to the highest of the keys, which according to some of the best/better MDI players, you can time stuff with every spec up until 5 levels below what the current max level key being run is I think.

Case and point here where we have Ferals having timed +24-26s in time so yes it does matter to be at the top of the top but there is literally always meta specs that can do more than any other spec in that moment. There always will be, too, as there’s 36 different specs in this game so there will always be winners and always be losers in one form or another.

What burn? I just showed unless you’re running top of the top level of stuff, it doesn’t matter anywhere near as much. To the majority of players most won’t even ever go above level 15 keys, maybe 20 tops even. To that end, no, it actually does not matter.

I was replying to:

Good luck convincing anyone to group with you unless it’s either (a) because you know people that play meta specs that are your friends or (b) pity.

The nerf definitely hurts going after the title, which is the only thing to care about past getting your portals (which is stupid easy in and of itself). Feral is a spec that will have an ultra difficult time (only 3 Ferals are in a position to maybe get it this season, and 2 of those are because Alliance is dead and therefore infinitely easier to get it on) attempting to go for the title next season, and this is just going to make it more difficult.

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Not necessarily a comment on you, but I have to say I find comments like this funny, because 5 key levels is about +47% damage and healing to every enemy in the instance.

How does it need to be said that the “best/better MDI players” say this? How could anyone who plays this game think a single spec in the group makes even close to that amount of difference? It’s probably more accurate to say that a group of 4 characters could time keys up to about 5 levels below the max, because that’s the level of difference that many key levels makes.

I’d honestly be impressed if single specs made even 2 levels of difference in what’s possible.

What does that even mean? Are you asking how they could say something like that? Because again most of the population don’t even go up beyond 20. More than half of them don’t even go beyond 15, at that, because there’s no loot from vault. They just do the vault loot then done for the week.

That’s fine, you can take it any way you want and comment however you like. It still stands that every spec has been able to time a level 25 key, which is 5 levels below what the best are doing, a 30.

What are you talking about? A lot of players doing that kind of thing have their own set groups. Some pug it but often times you’ll see a lot more for 20+ having their own group; be it guildies, bnet friends, community runs or something else.

I never said it didn’t hurt. Every nerf hurts, be it 1% nerf or a 15% nerf. It’s just nowhere near the level of “feral is dead spec” that everyone keeps chiming on about is all.

Again, how many tanks do you know that will pull more than 8 mobs at a time every single grouping? The answer is not a lot, even for higher keys, outside of practicing ridiculous MDI pulls n whatnot. Those can be fun, but they’re more annoying than fun to the healers.

Yo, it’s not like Feral never already had a difficult time as it’s always the “not balance” spec. When you go into groups more than half the people who invite you expect the DPS druid to be Balance over Feral.

This happens in almost every dungeon? I have no idea what you’re going after here.

  • Mists - Slug area.
  • DoS - Ardenweald, several pulls in the circle
  • Sanguine - Pull into the 1st boss, gauntlet
  • Halls - First pull with lust, 1st boss pull with trash, 3rd boss pull with trash, mini boss room
  • PF: 1st pull and that’s it
  • ToP: Depends how you do it but generally the construct wing and maybe a spirit pull
  • NW: Like the entire dungeon?
  • Spires: At max one with spear.

I think we’re talking about different goals here. I’m talking specifically about going after the title, and it sounds like you are talking about general PUG behaviour? Maybe I’m misunderstanding your context.

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Probably, as I’m talking in a very general sense, but yes that includes pugs and whatnot.

For yours with going after the title most people will have their own groups rather than pugging something like that, so yes we are talking about the same concept but differences in the goals plus also experiences.

Pugs aren’t going to pull crazy like that unless they’re very confident or they ask the healer well in advanced. Then again you’re not going for the title through pugging alone. Might start that way but by the time you hit 20+ or something you will have a group to do keys with and whatnot over just full 100% pugging for it.

They aren’t talking about pugs, they’re talking about playing at a competitive level. The whole frustration is the fact that if they want to be competitive they’ll likely have to play a different class to achieve their goals. It’s something we’ve had to deal with as feral since bfa, which is why you don’t see any competitive feral in m+. No, it’s not going to matter to most of us as most of us don’t play competitively. That doesn’t make the complaints of the few that are any less legitimate though.

Tier set was just nerfed 65%.

Pretty sure Feral is DoA at this point.

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blizzard hate feral, just want this spec be trash forever

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MoC is just a tiny bit lower in dps than bloodtalons but it makes feral playstyle much more fun being able to swipe nonstop. I use it with predator on fort weeks.


Guess ferals the new WOD demo lock

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