Another season of Warrior being unplayable

Sure we got some damage buffs thrown at us which is nice but meanwhile we have the worst defensives in the game, super squishy, kited by every other spec in the game because they gave everyone 10x slows, roots, snares etc. while giving them unlimited mobility. Warrior has awful mobility and is punished by micro cc like nobody else.I don’t understand why anyone would willingly play this Z tier class:(


Dude same, i spend 90% of my games snared, rooted, slowed, its unplayable. When i think warrior, i think unstoppable force, im ok being somewhat squishy if im full glass, dps, but i cant be squishy and the most easily cc’d class at the same time.

Oh no, more warrior gaslighting what ever will Christtel do?!


Unstoppable force is DK

Warrior has always been the plate most vulnerable to roots and slows

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Why does hunter of all classes get 2 more defensives while were dried up withering and uncomfortable


Jesus christ shut up already.

You warriors are laughable at this point.


Your mogs have been fire lately my dude.

fotms get out of my spec
i play arms like rets play paladin, one spec class
i play since vanilla
all you fotms better get outta here

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the problem with warrior atm is we die in stuns too gosh darn easily blizzard!!! COME ON MAN!!

It’s really not that bad lol.

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i dont think its a problem with warrior i think its a problem with melee in general

feral only feels playable because its insanely overtuned, but other than that every melee just feels miserable especially in bg blitz


lol Warlock which has been the most OP PvP class since Vanilla
Meanwhile warriors are always barely getting by
Right now enhance is better than Arms warrior

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It does decent damage now.
The problem is that most classes got extra mobility, roots, snares this expansion while warrior did not. So warrior is losing the mobility arms race.
Either warrior needs to be mechanically reworked and brought up to the rest of the classes or the other classes need to start getting pruned.

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It’s just being able to move around and being immune to poly that makes the game feel playable.

Shifting roots/slows and running 40% faster than everyone opens up the game so much for a melee class both offensively and defensively.

I’ve played a fair bit of WW and warrior. Stepping out of LOS to get spam rooted, coiled, 70% slowed and hammered on just feels awful. Half the time it feels like you can’t even get back to a pillar if you are off stun DR.

Feral damage is obviously overtuned for the kit it has tho. Probs still less of a problem than BM hunter.

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I haven’t scrolled down yet but I am expecting a ret cope post before I catch up to my own reply.

Edit: I beat Christtel here, clearly.

Thx my man, appreciate it

Bruv. Idk how you guys want anyone to take you seriously with that whiny crap.

Id say the same thing to any demo/destro player saying were UnPlaYAbLe.

i don’t know, I ended a 2 comp by hitting both of them with about 5 million damage on 1 demolish so maybe there’s a reason we’re not on top of them the whole time.

Melee should be peelable for a time.

Casters should be pressured for a time.

When there’s either 100% uptime or 0% there are no longer meaningful choices being made

Passive roots and micro CC are absolutely pants on head stupid


Warrior is not squishy by any means. D-stance, ignore pain, second wind, fueled by voilence, and impending victory make arms pretty durable.

If I would change anything about warrior, I would love to see charge follow through (e.g., if you get rooted or scattered, you are still on top of the target. Alternatively, make charge apply a 50% slow for a few seconds and put hamstring on a lower GCD. The only other change I would like is increasing shockwave duration by another second (warrior has a 1.5 sec base GCD compared to the 1 sec GCD of most agility users - a 2 sec stun for slayer is just an annoyance for anyone hit by it).

The above are more QoL changes. I would hapliy trade a bit of damage or slight reduction in healing if I didn’t have to mash hamstring all the time.

Where most warriors struggle is wasting gap closers and not playing defensively. If you’re charing into freedoms, throwing spell reflect into the wind, and not occasionally using leap to LOS when your healer is CCed, there’s probably a lot more you can improve on.

TL;DR - Most warriors are REALLY bad and can’t succeed unless their spec is an immortal juggernaut that can 2 shot people. Even if warrior became harder to play but functionally superior to every other melee, you would still have 90% of the people on these forums asking for more buffs.