Another season, another few months of M+ or die

Just let people spam raids like they can spam M+ since being able to repeat it over and over is the real problem.

I just tried one last time to level a character. It was a Resto Shaman. I spammed dungeons to level. It was awesome, I was having so much fun!

The second I dinged 60, the feel of dungeon runs totally changed. Every run was a heart-attack speedrun. Is there some timer on normal dungeons that I don’t know about? People were unable to keep up. People died. People left. Yet, the tanks kept speedrunning, time after time.

I realized that this is the only future for me in this game. M+. Stress. eSports wannabe kids. Unnecessary pushing and pushing, trying to save a few seconds but usually costing an entire run. I don’t fit in I guess. I don’t have ADHD, sorry, I’m here to have fun, and to sometimes experience some wonder in the massive words in this game.

So I’m done for now. I’ve been playing on and off since vanilla. But I’ve never experienced the level of disgust at the state of the game and its players that I do today. shrug Whatever. There’s a million things to do in this world.

Make sure your play time is actual play. If you’re having fun in WoW, great, keep it up. If you’re not and it’s part of some OCD addiction or obsession, maybe it’s time to face the problem head on and get out and find some actual happiness in life. It’s harder to find happiness than it is to log on to a game and speedrun over and over, but it will be worth it. Probably.

Or don’t. Other people’s mental illnesses are not my problem.






There aren’t enough laugh emojis to cover how much I laugh at your “conclusion”. Lol.

Nah, not mad. 10.1 is the pendulum swinging towards raid or die, so I know 10.2 the pendulum will swing back the other way again. It’s just physics at that point, what goes up must come down.

People who “spam raids” already have ilvl 440 and full 4-set. How much more spamming are you looking for? Lol.

Every poster who says the current loot paradigm is too fast/easy is a raider. I don’t see M+ only players with 0-tier and 435-ish ilvl saying the system is too good.


Me, personally? None. I think the system is what it is and I just play the game. But I was responding to the poster’s idea of more stuff dropping from raids. I don’t think you should get more for the same amount of time invested, if anything you should have to invest more time to get more crests/gear, hence unlocking the raid.

We’re at week 2.

On the first raid night, we were all in the 410-415 range and I was #1 dps on almost every fight. I was excited, to say the least!!

But I’m in the middle of a huge project at work and have BARELY had time to raid, let alone touch M+.

And in just two weeks, most everyone in my raid is now 424.

I’ve gotten ONE item from the raid (a cape or something, not even a tier piece), and while it was an iLevel upgrade, because I’m going from my two BEST stats, to my two WORST stats on the new item, it’s actually only a side-grade. meh

End result: we’re only 2 weeks in, yet I feel 6 months behind, and it’s all because of M+.

I HATE this. >(

It really feels like M+ is the “GAME” now … and you use your gear from M+ to “check out the raid.”

I HATE this. >(


You’re behind because you didn’t full clear normal twice or clear most of heroic twice. Like the rest of the raiders have.

RNG should be what loot you get, not whether or not you get loot.

I’m a fan of how Destiny awards loot in their raids, and most other content. You can’t trade anything, but everyone gets a piece of loot from every encounter. Then there are at least two secret chests in every raid (and some dungeons), plus a bonus chest for the encounter challenge of the week, plus another bonus chest for doing a raid puzzle throughout the raid, plus you can buy a piece of loot at the end. Imagine doing a raid and actually being rewarded for your time. Weird.

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Raid loot drops are higher ilvl than M+.

Normal: 415-424
Heroic: 428-437
Mythic 441-450

+16-17: Drops 424 | Vault 441
+18-19: Drops 428 | Vault 444
+20: Drops 431 | Vault 447

So yes, while you can endlessly run M+, you can only get top loot from the Vault. Which is once a week opportunity. Comparatively, raiders get drop chances for the top ilvl loot in addition to the vault.

Mythic Raid is such a small segment of the playerbase compared to those that have no issues completing Mythic +10 - +15 that it’s hilarious you’d bother making the comparison.

Yes, Mythic Raid is still relevant.

The issue is that M+ is relevant at all levels of play and outclasses everything else at all of those levels but the literal super hardcore max end.


We went 7/9 in week 1, and 8/9 last week. You’re saying 3 more bosses would have dramatically shifted our/my loot dynamic? That’s a ridiculous assertion.

Adding a Heroic run isn’t going to change that because all the people that got gear in Normal, could potentially win that next tier of loot and just upgrade what they just got. You’re placing more weight on 16-18 more bosses GUARANTEEING loot, than admitting it’s just a very, VERY low chance of POSSIBLY getting more loot, it’s a fraction of a fraction. Which… is the problem in the first place.

Your entire argument centers around “just play more.” Which, is a strawman. I mean, sure. Why not just clear Normal. Then DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN on Heroic.

ppfftt why are you stopping there? Just throw in 4-5 Mythic bosses on week1, amirite?!!

Raiding is built on PROGRESSION. Clearing Normal, then Heroic, then Mythic. MOST people don’t do Normal AND Heroic in the first week. You’re not a serious person if this is the basis for your argument.

Fixed that for you. Which is the killer problem with this patch. Raid gear is way, way, way too good with upgrades, especially when the gear is already overpowered for its ilvl. The trinkets are insane, the cloak is nutty, there’s multiple cantrip weapons, Evokers get a leggo, etc.

Raid gear was never meant to be upgraded. Heroic raid is not meant to drop mythic ilvl gear. It just isn’t. The balance at play was that heroic was super easy and dropped a ton of tier but the gear was low ilvl. Now that you can upgrade your gear, and by the way you also get wyrm crests while you farming for tier, unlike with M+ where farming crests and farming gear are two separate activities, you get gear faster, easier, and its better.

It’s absurd. It’s utterly absurd.

We’re comparing Heroic PUGs to high-end M+ as if those two things should be equal, we haven’t even gotten started talking about how Mythic actually drops Mythic ilvl loot straight up and has Mythic ilvl boxes.

Yes. I see low IO Andies, bad players, in full 441 Heroic tier, players who have only cleared 5/9 of the raid and are 2700 last season IO.

Thanks for the fix, I guess the Icyviens article I used was outdated.

They don’t actually drop those ilvls straight up, but they drop those ilvls when you factor in upgrades. That’s the big problem. That gear is not meant to be upgraded.

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Blame M+ for this change.

Your problem, Sent, is that you seem unable to discuss this issue without bias. You’re a big time M+ player, and your every comment revolves around “raid bad, M+ need maor.”

There’s plenty of room to improve the interaction of ALL OF IT and make the game as a whole better… but none of your arguments seem to reflect this.


Oh gotcha yeah they went from almost having a really good M+/Raid balance last season to undoing it now.

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Raid gear was already better than M+ gear last patch. Now it’s better times better.

When Brewa is not on the forum whining about how bad raid gear is, you know raid gear is WAY too good.

At least for Arms, all the TEXT is updated to say “10.1” and includes words related to the new raid …

…but none of the content is accurate.

Which is weird because it’s written by the same guy that does the writeup on Wowhead. But the Wowhead info is up to date.

I guess Wowhead writes him a check and Icyveins does not.

Now, more than ever, you need to check multiple sites, get as much info as possible and COMPARE that info to determine what’s best. Which is a lot of legwork for a damn GAME.

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Is ANY of the gear I’m currently wearing from the Raid?

Or is is ALL from M+?

Pretty sure every piece I’m wearing is from M+. And all I really want to do is Raid.

EVERY piece of loot that dropped last tier was worse than the M+, because it couldn’t be upgraded. That’s why it’s a thing this tier.

The ONLY thing Raid gear has going for it, is tier BEFORE the catalyst. THAT’S IT.

Once the Catalyst hits, M+ will be the only way to gear … oh wait-- you’re right about one thing – the EXCEPTIONS: trinkets, certain one-offs that, yes, ONLY drop from the raid.

But just gear = gear? M+ > Raid.

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Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Destiny has to drop items for everyone because you are fighting two different forms of RNG: the RNG on which weapon you get and what the rolls on the weapons are! You could get the weapon you were looking for but it might have some pretty subpar perks on it, haha! And lets not even discuss the chase for red border weapons so you can finally craft one!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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