Another quitting post

Bye, can I have your stuffs

He came back.

I don’t believe you. In another post you said you quit for a couple months and got gkicked. Now you boosted? You’re trolling. If you keep getting kicked from dungeons as you claim maybe it’s because you never replaced that boost gear with quest greens half of which would be replaced in the first hour in hellfire.

Guys they are trolling. Report and move on…

I meant week not month.

okay goodbye dude

I came back.

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No one cares. You can easily dungeon spam to 70 (with minimal moving since there not too bad to get to) then quest and get like 6.4k gold from questing. Enough for your epic flying (5.2k) and should be close to enough for epic riding. 70 boosts? What a actual clown that would truly become very very p2w.

Go back to retail since you seem to be a retail tourist max lvl is 60 and you can get to it in under 20 hours. TBC classic is supposed to be as close as possible to OG TBC. I have a job and I know I can get to 70 and get my stuff in a somewhat reasonable amount of time.

Think you should stick to retail where all these QOL things are added.

lmao cringe

You play a 49 paladin.

Your point is? You boosted a toon to 58 and are complaining 6 levels in.

Also lvl 50 not sure why it hasnt updated

I boosted because I’m smart.

Nice? Cant boost belfs and I like leveling ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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