Another PTR Buid and again no lock changes except another destro tier nerf

What do they see as a afflock from wow release I think it is time to depart the lack of any response to multiple feedback of the clunkyness and poor performance af Aff has me just not enjoying the game anymore


it’s completely over for warlock and has been for a while. they clearly have no one on staff who has a single idea at all for warlock. they are totally gone. this is the least talented dev staff we have seen for wow across the board this expansion, it’s not just limited to warlock. quitting time.


I fully expect affliction to be completely ignored until the inevitable rework in Midnight.

Cutting devs and QA as aggressively as they’re doing while speeding up the release cycle more and more, means an increasing number of things have to be pushed out to ‘later’. Spec playstyle is definitely one of those things.

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Yet that give re-works to completely functional specs along with tuning and minor changes of that rework over several patches, yet Aff still remains in garbage heap with numbers and more importantly gameplay.


What’s your specific issue with afflictions gameplay?

Too much ramp in a game all about burst This ramp includes but not limited to Too many weak hitting dots a single target dot with cast time that hits softer than an easily castable dot that also generates resources (more problems on this later). Too many 2 point talents that provide less upside than others single point talents.

A st spender that requires 2 resources that does less damage than a multi target spender for 1 resource. too many +% abilities. A talent that becomes weaker the better the gear we get (haste negatively affects PS uptime and also the 10% buff if talented). Siphon Life returns too few health points to make it a viable aternative to AC.

The dot hero tree is completely outclassed by the burst hero talent tree which just shows how bad the whole concept is.

A talent for spreading our resource builder is too short to maintain our ramped damage at near other classes sustained damage. This requires the spec to jump through hoops to attempt to keep up to mid level damage of other dps.

I have more but these are my major issues

there are also major issues in the warlock tree that should have been addressed by now including speed boost damage and mitigation… two point nodes… lack of real choice in elective or niche talents.


Additionally im getting really tired of needing to cast almost every damn spell to get the ball rolling.

Not to include that diabolist requires about 15 secs or so for the hero ability to active and then non disturbed casting yet again…

Meanwhile as an ele I just pop my instant cooldown and procs like 25 spells all going off in aoe hitting as hard as normal shadowbolt hit in the soul harvester tree. ??!:expressionless:

There’s no balance between specs that throw up burst rotations to specs that have buildup anymore. Build up rotations are now just building up to do the damage a spec does on a burst rotation that doing even need to worry about casting, like wth is even the point…


Without numbers from other classes to compare to I’m choosing to hold my tongue.

But there has very clearly been some bias from the devs as to which class gets attention. Maybe one day a dev will decide to main a lock, but until then I think Locks will be shelved until next xpac when the devs remember there is more to the game than just Mages, Pallies, and Mistweaver Monk.


Kalamazi posted on his youtube channel about Aff’s problems recently.
Essentially, Aff doesn’t give you the reward for the effort you put into it, and when Blizzard have tried to fix it, they end up making Aff brokenly overpowered so they have to nerf it back to where it was.
Basically, Blizzard really need to work through the fundamentals of Aff, instead of just buffing damage.
At least, that’s how I understand it.


One thing that would really help is removing all the “+damage” talents.

We have SO many of them. More damage if dotted, more damage per dot, more damage if UA is applied, more damage below 35% health, more damage with each stack of shadow embrace, more damage if nightfall is procced, more damage if MR hits multiple targets etc.

It’s no wonder they can’t buff anything without us becoming OP. Everything has like 10 modifiers on it.


I wish they’d do this to all classes that have them.

Most boring additions to the talent tree imo.

Yeah, talent trees would be more manageable without them.

Affliction would probably be half the size it is now lol

I feel like the talent trees coming back were a grab at nostalgia. Another classic bleeding over into retail. A lot of specs have talent bloat and or boring picks like dmg modifiers.

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was reading on PTR destro is pumping.

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Don’t forget that affliction is the only caster spec in the game that gets a generic stat proc for it’s 2 set bonus in the upcoming patch because we can’t get free spells because we can only have one dot of each kind active on the target

Don’t forget that our upcoming tierset might be one of the worst designed tier sets ever with an endless slew of non-interactions the free Unstable Affliction has with our talent tree

Don’t forget that the tierset also only procs off of DIRECT DAMAGE, which is super fun for a damage over time spec.

Don’t forget that Blizzard can’t even reduce all the 2 point nodes to 1 point in our talent tree because then we’d be able to take almost all the talents in our tree. We have so many random 2 point nodes because they couldn’t be bothered to come up with different talents.

Don’t forget that affliction warlocks have some of the worst capstone talents in the game. A ton of feedback has been provided and blizzard has fixed nothing.

Don’t forget that we STILL use mage casting animations

Don’t forget that warlocks as a whole have a truly awful class tree with some garbage capstones

So I guess we’re fine according to Blizzard with the lack of patch notes.

We’ll get our slight talent rework in Midnight and Blizz will leave us alone again.


Hasn’t seemed to affect the attention certain other classes have been receiving…


In their defense of making a terrible tier set for PvE, it’s actually a pretty good tier set for pvp because now we can have rampant afflictions without the garbage talent that reduces UA’s damage by 60%. Imagine creating a tier set that’s a buffed version of a pvp talent we haven’t taken since they nerf the crap out of it.

We’ve come full circle boys, creating a tier set sooo bad that it’s actually good for us pvpers who make up 1.6% of the wow community. Blizz finally catering to the pvp minority community! :triumph::fist:

In all seriousness, this class needs an overhaul/rework. They did such an amazing job with the soul harvester tree then nerf’d it completely by 25%. We had a solid good 2 weeks at least.


The problem is more about their go go go gameplay designs that makes rot feel dated.


It’s a shaman expansion mostly. Locks been dead for quite a while really.

Clear bias on which classes gets the attention is pretty easy to see. I suggest you re-roll class tbh, will make the wow experience better :slight_smile:

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PvP has been fake for at least 6 years and the tier set is garbage.

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