Random battlegrounds are supposed to offer a fun, unpredictable PvP experience for players of all skill levels. The point is for solo players to jump in, team up with strangers, and adapt on the fly. However, when premades are involved, they disrupt that experience. These coordinated groups have an unfair advantage over solo players who aren’t part of a team, turning what should be a random, engaging match into an almost certain loss for the solo players.
The issue extends to rated battlegrounds, where, despite the expectation of coordination, premades still undermine the spirit of competition. Rated PvP should focus on skill, strategy, and teamwork, but when premades dominate, it’s less about individual ability and more about the power of pre arranged teams.
In both random and rated battlegrounds, fairness needs to be a priority. Whether you’re playing solo or as part of a group, every player should have a competitive and balanced environment, where the focus is on skill and teamwork. Not who has the better prepared team.
While I wholeheartedly would like to see queue syncing stopped, queuing with 4 friends for a 5 man premade in randoms has been around as long as I can remember. The map is the random part of random battlegrounds, a team can be 50% decided by one 5 man team.
If you want solo queue only random BGs I support that, but thats not what I expect when I queue for random BGs now.
I win quite a bit as a solo player but yeah taking the rng out of your own matchmaking while the other team still has it is rigged and tilted.
Not everyone is able to just get things done through their own girth and individual power but if you can it’s far more rewarding than doing it in a full premade.
honor level 5 full greens
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Random battlegrounds have never catered specifically to solo players, so the “point” of it was definitely not as described. Random battlegrounds are where you can queue up solo or in a group of up to 5 with whatever spec you want in an unrated environment on a random map.
That being said I wish they would put a way higher priority to match premade vs premade. You already have a higher chance running into groups when you’re in a group, but I still see horde groups queue up while we’re in queue and we just pass them by. I feel if two premades are in queue it should just automatically match them up and fill it with other smaller premades and pugs. Games would get way more fun
I wonder if players would just stop queuing 5 mans b/c they dont actually want premade v premade in randoms. With all the other game modes we have these days, the only real reason to queue 5 mans into randoms is to pub stomp.
Regardless, we have all of these issues due to lack of a player base. If we force premade v premade, the queue time probably gets ridiculous and it dies, on top of people not wanting premade v premade. Issues w/ the ladders, mmr, queue times, you name it. Arent enough players to make it all work it feels
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Still not sure why everyone says this, there is no “5 man game mode” other than randoms/epics/RBGs. If I want to queue with 2-4 friends, my options are randoms or rated battlegrounds (we don’t do epics). I imagine RBGs are dead and still have to find 5 other people including a tank. I could sit in LFG waiting for specific specs all so I can play a dead game mode or I could just queue up randoms and enjoy my time.
Granted I don’t speak for all premades and there are definitely premades who only want to stomp pugs, but there are a lot of groups who would much rather fight other premades. If the only reason groups do it is to gy camp the other side and they fold against good players, well that’s just tough
Well there is a lot of priority on that the problem is some premades go out of their way to avoid other premades so .
When your looking to avoid something your probably going to avoid it no matter how hard blizzard tries to put you in that direction.
So what’s the problem? Hard to avoid them when they have no choice, would be great.
Just a pipe dream though
Probably because when it comes to in game rewards, the primary application of 5 man premades is to farm easy honor. If you have other reasons to queue 5 mans, that is fine, but unless your group is so unserious / undergeared, that you are losing to pugs, then you’re effectively farming pugs anyway, even if you’re just playing for fun or whatever.
If i had HL’s as low as theirs i’d be running in full premades to.
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I honestly haven’t heard any premade say they’re farming honor in several expansions. Even now when you can make gold out of it, it’s always for fun/something to do not “I need honor” or “I need honor level”
Yep, which is why playing against other premades is fun. Starts rivalries, makes for intense games
Some of us have more than one account lol. This isn’t my main account.
then you should know better. you’re in a separate bracket at 80 doing random bgs under hl 30. either those other 80’s grouped are allllllll also under hl 30 or youre grouped with someone over hl 30 and getting placed up into the general population.
this only applies to random bgs.
So you’re claiming that people don’t queue 5 man premades for honor / gold or in game rewards in general, but they do queue them for fun, but also not to stomp pubs even though that is still what they are doing?
Not sure what is so controversial to you that the general public sentiment is that 5 man premades are used to pub stomp. Its a system that gives you a major time advantage for acquiring in game rewards. This doesn’t mean that it has to be removed. Its just a basic observation of the game system and how it rewards the players.
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Correct, no community/guild/group I’ve been in (which has been a lot) has ever been about farming honor, gold or rewards. I’m sure some do it for this, but it’s rare. Maybe to an extent right now because you can sell bloodstones decently well, but it’s still not the primary goal.
Anyway, yes. We play this game for fun, that’s the point of it. I have no doubt that a lot of group’s idea of fun is to stomp pugs. These groups 100% exist, as I’ve mentioned. But most want good games with actual competition which is insanely rare when solo queuing.
The general sentiment comes from people who are getting stomped, so it’s natural that they think the big bad premades are just there to embarass them. In reality when we go up against a team with 0 resistance we’re sitting there discussing our favorite pizza place, a show we watched and just trying to go next game.
It’s always a solo q player in our group who is trying to grab the flag and sit in the enemy gy and not cap it, rarely the person in a premade. Boring games are boring
What rewards? Nobody cares about the rewards we get from random battlegrounds lol. If there was absolute zero in-game rewards from queuing battlegrounds, we would still queue. It has nothing to do with acheivements, titles, mounts, honor. It’s the enjoyment of the game with friends
Whatever you say man. i laid out very clearly the reason that ‘everybody says this’ about 5 man premades. You said you aren’t sure why people say it, but lets be honest, we all know why. Not really interested in your anecdotes to justify your 5 man pub stomp fests
No you didn’t, you just asked questions and said it was for rewards. I answered and disagreed. Nothing you laid out was “proof” or “evidence”, just your opinion - which I haven’t seen a single person in a premade echo
No I didn’t, I said I don’t know why everyone says that premades have other avenues to queue with all the different game modes. The quote:
It had nothing to do with the solo q sentiment towards premades, we were talking about the lack of other games modes for 5 players to queue into in PVP.
Then why did you keep asking questions? Sounds counter productive if you don’t actually want to have a discussion to try and understand the other side. You’re set in your beliefs that everyone who premades just wants to wreck the easy teams and get rewards. You kept asking questions, to which you got answers, but then say you aren’t interested in any of the answers you just want to believe what you believe. So why bother going on?
Yet you still havent figured out that we are ‘discussing’ the general perception of premades, even though i’ve restated it multiple times. Seems like you have a problem with understanding.
This isn’t even my belief, but im not going to sit here going in circles and retype crystal clear statements that i’ve already made more than once for you, to get massive multi quote tldr paragraphs in return.
cheers i guess