Wowhead has datamined new art assets for a login screen.
If it’s changing, here are my thoughts on what it could change to:
- The Sword in Silithus
- Hallowfall with the crystal changing randomly
- The Coreway
I believe it will keep the current login screen and have it open up to a scenic view.
If it’s changing, what do you think it will change to?
Update: New login screen 
Omg the gameplay and content will be so much better now.
Something plain and simple for once would be nice. I hope they go with this one.
Cool beans. Can’t wait to see it. 
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Tbh, if they are changing it, I find it amusing that this is a thing they took feedback on to change instead of say, removing a spiteful pathfinder achievement and continuing their crusade against TBC flying.
It’s not the first time we’ve had an incomplete log in screen for a time. The dragonflight one didn’t always have Alexstrasza swooping down.
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Who cares what the login screen is. It can be text on a black background for all I care. I never see it for more than 2 seconds.
EDIT: Don’t get me wrong. I’m not against super cool login screens. BUT, I would rather the effort go into the actual expansion rather than a screen we almost never seen.
Will this new login screen shift the tone of the game away from an after school Disney channel cartoon
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Nah, Elsa will slide across it and tell you the cold never bothered her anyway.