He also abandoned the horde the moment his horse was losing the race. He also actively went for his own interests over those of his people, he enslaved his people during the goblin intro and by all rights should have been straight up killed during Cata.
He wasnt introduced as even slightly sympathetic like you might be able to claim with Garrosh or Sylvanas. He was always an antagonist and served himself and the horde only when it benefited him. As someone has played the Horde for a long, long time I am not surprised in the slightest and I am thrilled we get to rub that stain out.
I hate how biased the writers at Blizzard are. This is reflected in the story, how much they like the Alliance and despise the Horde…
Why can’t the terrible writers be neutral and fair?
Of course you can have your favorites, but not the way they do it!