Another day of kindly asking blizzard to Impliment an Account wide Gear upgrade discount

Blizz c’mon, if you’ve maxxed every slot to 556, just give us account wide discounts.

I dont wanna spend 80+ hours grinding hyperspawn spots every time I want to try a new class.


That would require blizzard to not hate alts.

Good idea though.

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If their not going to discount gear upgrades in general, I honestly don’t see them implementing account-wide discounts. That seems like two opposing thought processes. Currency isn’t account-wide, you can’t trade meta gems or tinker gems.

I like the idea, it would be nice to be able to upgrade my alts gear as I leveled at minimal cost without needing to find a higher level item to discount it. Just practically speaking not sure it’ll happen.

I also think that gear should have a chance to drop from the reward crates that is an ilevel improvement on what your highest looted item was for that slot all the way to max. It’s pretty dumb that the only way to get the higher ilvls is strictly through upgrades.

I don’t think they hate alts, I think they dislike any idea of accumulative progression across multiple characters. Specifically anything that works around daily and weekly lockouts to progress you quicker.

Do they care about play time metrics anymore? I thought they were happy so long as they collect the 15 for keeping an account active.

And in the normal game mode, not the 3 month FOMO mode, that makes 100% sense.

Yes please

I don’t want it reduced as a whole, but giving alts the discount would be nice

Were their official words.

Notice they used “change” versus saying “decrease”.
Which leaves open the option to “increase” if they decide to “change”.

And still even with this answer they have left themselves wiggle room to do exactly what players want. Make it more affordable to acquire more power.

Think about it this way, if they come along and they decrease the upgrade cost now. They are going to have just as many people complaining about refunds as there are people complaining right now about upgrade costs.

They already accelerated the bronze drop rate and that in and of itself increased the affordability of the upgrades.

They didn’t say anything about not increasing the bronze drop rates in the future, nor have they ruled out activities billed as catchup mechanics. All they said is they aren’t lowering the cost to upgrade. That’s fine - doing so would be a bigger headache than it’s worth.

But they didn’t say we don’t plan to make it more affordable in the future.

If I was them, I wouldn’t not for another 4 weeks or so about half way through. Start ratcheting up the bronze rewards and bill it as “our plan all along” was to accelerate power towards the end of the event. They have used the logic before with making rewards more accessible: early adopters had their enjoyment early and now more people get to enjoy it too.

Again, I’ve heard this referred to as watermarking and would like to know what blizzard calls it internally so we can ask for it using their own terminology.